找到结果: 1210
16.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 21: Phase 3 has begun==
15.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
1 on all
withdraw 18 from bank, 3 interest 15 for the bribe
15.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 21: Phase 2 has begun==
14.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
Loan Conncinnatores 12 talents,
He repays me the 12 principle, +12 interest. Any money he earns is priority given to my faction until this is repaid. I may cancel the interest payment if he votes fully my way one turn I ask. He may refuse this but still must repay interest.
14.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
Fabius persuades Gnaeus Pompeius
if anyone tries to persuade Cato, max counter bribe
3 on equite for cato
buy 2 amateur gladiators Romulus & Brennus
Cato proposes a Tier II landbill with Crassus co sponsor

Raise Aux
14.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 21: Phase 1 has begun==
14.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3

Battle of Tyana

Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Envelopment)
(1 legion +7 veterans+ 4 command+1 reforms )=20 strength
Neoptolemus (Flanking)Tactical Counter!
(12 Armies)=14 strength
Battle Roll: 11+6-3=14
Result: Costly Victory

Reacting to Pontic aggression quickly, rome dispatched 8 legions to confront them.
Immediatly seeing asia in chaos, Pergamon and Ephesus in revolt, Sulla was at once put under pressure. An army then invaded from Bithynia and put Cyzicus under siege, with Sulla reinforced by sea.
Hoping it would hold he personally led an invasion into Cappadocia to restore the king to his throne. Near Tyana Neoptolemus arrayed for battle to block his path. Gravely outnumbered, the romanans were however far more trained and disciplined, breaking the hordes of tribal levies and wedged into the conscript phalanx. The only danger was the pontic cavalry which was both high quality in great in number. Legio X Pisenta
and IX Gallica bore the brunt of holding the flanks and rear against their ceaseless assaults. Ultimately triumphant, other pontic forces began to withdraw to defend the mountain passes of the heartland while the rebellious asian greeks were defeated. Sulla attempts to assault the path to Amasia but fails to make much progress. Mithridates sues for peace with a generous payment, which Sulla accepts, eager to return to Rome to keep Fabius and Crassus from seizing power in the Senate.

Roman Casualties
Legio IX Gallica
Legio X Pisenta
Legio VI Martia
1 Legion

Pontic Casualties

Lucius Cornelius Sulla gains 5 influence and 3 popularity
Romans love victory -1 unrest
Rome gains 30 Talents in war spoils

Siege of Numantia
Gaius Marius (Balanced)
(1 legion+ 4 veterans+ 5 command +1 reform)=15 strength
Avarus (Balanced)
8 armies =8 strength
Battle Roll: 11
Result: Lesser Disaster

Marius arrives to take command of the Numantine War. With him comes a fearsome winter. The siege of Numantia begins to grind to a static halt with the romans shivering in their tents and dying in the trenches. Marius himself becomes ill with consumption.
His doctors tried to drain his blood, give him a healthy diet of barley and fish and even offered Opium to which Marius refused.
Without the leadership of their Consul, the legions fall under attack and merely hold the line against the sallying forces but do not achieve anything else.
In the depths of winter, Marius passes away...

Roman Casualties
Legio XIV Macedonica
libertatem vet

Celtiberian Casualties

Gaius Marius is killed!
Gaius Marius gains 1 veteran legions, Legio ?
13.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 20: Phase 3 has begun==
09.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
作者: Tundy, 09.08.2019 at 17:51

If aetius rolls for assassination on empi or zeph, one of my faction's senators with at least 2 votes will vote for aetius for the rest of the game. this doesn't apply to crassus. +1 talent a turn for rest of late republic

agree, nothing personell
09.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
3)Gaius Acilius & Marcus Porcius Cato Minor (Libertatem + Populare) [proposal via Populare Tribune] BRIBING

1) Faustus Cassius (Libertatem)

1)Marcus Aurelius (populare)

1)Prator Loser

Strip Marcus Licinius Crassus of Pontifex Maximus?

Governor of Sicily
2)Lucius Sempronius (Auctoritas)

Governor of Africa
2) Paullus Aemilius Lepidus (Concinnatores)

Replace Gaius Plautius Caepio as Governor of Corsica-Sardinia with? [proposal via Cato Tribune]
1) Gaius Marius(Concinnatores) BRIBING

Sicilian grain: +5 talents

Land Commissioner: +3 talents

Quinctian Legionary Land Bill

Catonian Legionary Land Bill

Sullan-Marian Legionary Land Bill


2) 2 Fleets, 1 Legion

1) Consul Pick
09.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 20: Phase 2 has begun==
Having units not only limited to faction but also to cities. Right now factions can have a roster of units, or each city can have unique units, but there is no option for both of these conditions combined. If I want the germans in ww1 to have access to krupp artillery in germany but no one else if they take germany there is no way to do this with current map maker other than wonky ways like making separate countries with capitals off map and blah blah. Do this and you will see lots of cool stuff
08.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
Since can't persuade Sulla, and if marius tries to persuade still, fabius will persuade cicero with max bribes
08.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
Persuade Sulla with Fabius match any counter bribe from bank up to 51 talents
08.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
2 on equite for Oppius Manlius
Counter bribe any persuasion attempt to max and persuade Caius Aelius /w Fabius IF he does not accept my land bill into the rome consul proposals, else just persuade first faction which tries to persuade any of mine
Propose Legionary Land Bill with Cato for the legions that fought for his father in Macedon
Trade 1 card with zeph for 1 card, play Cato
raise max auxila in Macedonia
move all money to Cato
07.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 20: Phase 1 has begun==
07.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3

Battle of Asculum

Dictator Herius Quinticius & Gnaeus Pompeius (Direct Charge)Tactical Counter!
(5 legion +2 veterans+ 7 command )=16 strength
Quintus Poppaedius Silo (Flanking)
(12 Armies)=12 strength
Battle Roll: 11+4+3=18
Result: Decisive Victory

The social war began slowly with a few manuever and sieges. Months into the campaign Pompey offered Quinticius a plan to move into Picenum where his family had great support and seize Asculum, one of the most important cities of the Socii.
This drew out the main socii force under Silo who, confident in his numerical superiority, offered battle before the city but was routed.
After this battle the war began to turn with the socii no longer offering battles but sieges. Nonetheless, the war looks to continue for many years so Quinticius offers them citizenship in return for surrendering the ringleaders who he promptly executes and ends the war.

Roman Casualties

Socii Casualties

Herius Quinticius gains 5 influence and 5 popularity
Herius Quinticius gains 1 veteran legions, Legio Libertas +1 more legions if given land
Romans love victory -1 unrest
Rome gains 15 Talents in war spoils

Siege of Numantia
Flavius Porcius Carbo Macedonicus (Surprise Attack)Tactical Counter!
(1 legion+ 4 veterans+ 2 command +1 reform)=12 strength
Avarus (Balanced)
8 armies =8 strength
Battle Roll: 11
Result: Lesser Disaster

The rorman senate responded very swiftly to this new threat in Hispania eager to not lose it again. Carbo advanced quickly into their heartland and put Numantia to siege.
Numantia is regarded as the greatest fortress in the penninsula, situated on a mountain, with high stone walls, trenches, traps, supplies for years and a natural spring.
Carbo constructed a wall around the city and waited for an opportunity. This arised 5 months into the sige when a traitor of one of the gates offered to open it to the romans for some money an that the romans would (when they captured the city) seize a certain married woman he was in love with and give her to him.
The Consul, not beneath such distasteful schemes, agreed, and launched a night surprise attack on that gate. It was foiled by a stray dog who barked loudly when the cohorts approached, notifying the celtiberians who rallied and rained a hail of missiles inflicting heavy casualties and retreated.
The siege continuse to be maintained despite this failure though things are looking increasingly dire for the romans....

Roman Casualties
Legio XII Libyca
1 legion

Celtiberian Casualties

Flavius Porcius Carbo Macedonicus loses -1 popularity for loss of 2 legions

Battle of Neviodunum

Gaius Marius (Balanced)
(5 Veterans+ 3 Legions +5 command+ 1 reform)=19 strength
Asger (Balanced)
15 armies =15 strength
Battle Roll: 10+4=14
Result: Close Victory

Advancing beyond the borders of Rome to crush the barbarians before they caused irreprebale harm. Marius' scouts found the germans easily as the advanced without caution confident in their size and might.
Positioning himself at a crossing on the Savus river, he waited. The germans arrived and although they realized Marius had the better ground they launched their assault.
The melee was truly brutal, the like which would have routed any other army in the world. Entire legions buckled and broke and if not for Marius' brilliance and personal involvement reinforcing fronts and encouraging his men to not lose hope it is certain Rome would have lost this day.
After 6 hours of bloodshed the Germans were slaughtered, practically to a man since few fled. The women, killed their children and themselves rather than be slaves which shocked the romans but was in a way, very noble.
Marius advanced further into Noricum and plundered the rest of the tribes and left it a wasteland.

Roman Casualties
Legio I Primeginia
Legio IV Populare
Legio XIII Fortuna
1 legion

Germanic Casualties

Gaius Marius gains 8 influence and 6 popularity
Gaius Marius gains 1 veteran legions, Legio , +1 more legions if given land
Romans love victory -1 unrest
Rome gains 15 Talents in war spoils
07.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 19: Phase 3 has begun==
06.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
3)Nay Gnaeus Pompeius & Marcus Aurelius


1)Flaminius (Optimatium)

1) Oppius Manlius (Populares)

Pontifex Maximus
1) Marcus Licinius Crassus (Commercium)

Governor of Asia
1)Publius Sulpicius Rufus (Libertatem)

Governor of Nearer Spain - if Celtiberians defeat Carbo this governorship is cancelled
1) Lucius Tullius (Conncinatores)

Governor of Further Spain
1)Maximus Terentius

Governor of Illyricum
1)Gaius Servilius Glaucia (Commercium)

2)Nay will just make commercium/auctoritas richer

06.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 19: Phase 2 has begun==
05.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
作者: Brsjak, 05.08.2019 at 19:59

Give zeph 6 talents, zeph votes like me in the consulship tickets (i will vote for the ticket with me + porcius "me being pompey" aetius can confirm tha this deal is legit, i give aetius a card he votes like me in the consul ticket deal, 5 talents (3 now 2 later next turn)

05.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
4 on equite for Porcius
Persuade Sextus Valerius Maximus with Fabius, cancel if persuaded by a rival faction, will react to that when if it comes OR if someone offers me a deal to not persuade this turn. Anyone who tries persuade my senators will be denied positions on the ballot and sent away to provinces
1 talent to Rome
05.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 19: Phase 1 has begun==
04.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3

Battle of Berœa
Flavius Porcius Carbo (Flanking)
(6 legions+ + 4 veterans+ 2 command +1 reform)=17 strength
Perseus (Direct Charge) Tactical Counter!
5 armies+6 command =11 strength
Battle Roll: 16+6-3=19
Result: Crushing Victory

As Carbo advanced into the macedonian interior Perseus began to lose his nerve. His retainers noticed he became obsessed with oracles and prophecies, rather than preparing for the upcoming conflict he put his faith in asiatic mystics who promsied him a magical solution.

Carbo was not an exceptional military commander but he he did know how to conduct a war. Finding Thessaly lightly guarded (save for the port of Demetrias) he raided it for grain and seized the mountain pass of Berœa then patiently waited.

Believing he could triumph, that some divine fortune was son his side, Perseus ordered an assault up the pass against this larger fortified roman army.
Although the Romans were at first surprised, mainly because of it being utterly incomprehensible, they swiftly recovered and routed the phalanx with massive volleys of pilas from heights and as soon as it broke up, charged and slaughtered them all. Perseus, his mind broken, fled on horseback to the east.

Carbo arrives in Pella and without even a pretense of honoring greek liberty like his predecessors, declares it under roman control, and says the kingdom is abolished, and that all macedonians would now consider Lucius Fulvius Ravilla as their lord.

Roman Casualties

Macedonian Casualties

Flavius Porcius Carbo gains 3 influence and 3 popularity for victory, as well as the honorific cognomen Macedonicus
Flavius Porcius Carbo a veteran legion, Legio Macedonica+1 more legions if given land
Romans love victory -1 unrest
Romans gains 30 talents in war spoils, and the province of MACEDONIA

Iberian Campaign

Gaius Servilius Glaucia (Envelopment)
(4 legions +7 veteran+1 command+ 1 reform)=20 strength
Viriathus (Balanced)
9+5 =14 strength
Battle Roll: 10+62=16
Result: Victory

With 11 legions at his command Glaucia delegated roles to subordinates who systemically land across the spanish coast and set up areas of roman control from which they expand outwards.

Roman legions do not make any sudden advances deep into enemy territory, but rather construct roads as they march, then make forts, then expand again.Entire tribes are forced by spear-point into makeshift cities the legions and thousands of imported craftsmen built to deny viriathus his sources of recruits.

It is simply a display of a power far greater than their own and of enormous capabilities that awes people away from Viriathus who has also proven unable to stop banditry, and famine, while the Romans can.

Eventually, a much depleted Viriathus is driven back into his Lusitanian heartlands and besieged. Massive assaults are launched upon his final fortress are overcome and he dies gloriously in the final moments.

Roman Casualties
Legio XI Illyricorum
1 legion

Lusitani Casualties

Gaius Servilius Glaucia gains 3 influence and 3 popularity
Gaius Servilius Glaucia gains 1 veteran legions, Legio Libertas +1 more legions if given land
Romans love victory -1 unrest
02.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 18: Phase 3 has begun==
02.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
3)Nay until Corba+Marius (Populares+Concinnatores)

2) Tertius Fabius (Populares) Bribing as much as needed to win

1)Gaius Julius (Auctoritas)

2) Lucius Cornelius Sulla (Auctoritas)

Pontifex Maximus
1) Gaius Servilius Glaucia (Commercium) if tunder votes me my concession, else nay

Governor of Sardinia - Corsica
3)Nay Gaius Plautius Caepio (Commercium)

Governor of Illyricum
3) Nay Pompeius Strabo (Optimatium)

Governor of Narbonese Gaul
3)Nay Junius

Governor of Macedonia(should it be conquered)
1)Lucius Fulvius Ravilla (Populares) volunteer

Replace governor of Sicily, Titus Acilius (Optimatium) with?
2) Nay

Replace governor of Cisalpine Gaul, Faustus Cassius (Libertatem) with?
2) Appius Claudius (Conncinatores)

Replace governor of Asia, Lucius Papirius (Auctoritas) with?
2) Nay

Replace governor of Africa, Publius Popillius Laenas (Auctoritas) with?
2) Nay

Land Commissioner
1)Flavius Carbo (Populares)

Give Honorific "Magnus" to Tertius Fabius (Populares)
1) Aye

Senators make an oath to recover the aquila of Legio Libertas from Viriathus?

What shall be done with Cyrene gifted by Ptolemy Apion?
2)Annex it and leave it under local administration for now

Fabian Legionary Land Bill


1)7 Legions

1) Attack 2 Active Wars strat
02.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3
==Turn 18: Phase 2 has begun==
01.08.2019 在 9/11 Strategy
Too soon
01.08.2019 在 Republic of Rome #3

Assassination Attempt
Consul Glaucia was attacked by a hooded man in the streets, narrowly dodging his blade before stripping his toga off throwing it at him and running.

1d6 = (3) = 3 Assassination attempt fails but perpetrator is not caught

Another attack is attempted upon Tertius Fabius but he manages to evade ...

@The Conservatives: 1d6 = (4) = 4

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