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15.11.2017 在 Chat Ideas
So we are talking about a universal/global chat available to anyone.

in essence global chat that instead of global chat will be called game advertisement and everyone without premium can use it. What could go wrong?

--- > (spam/abuse/cancer)
作者: SyrianDevil, 14.11.2017 at 12:16

lol how dare you even show me your face you are seriously retarded speaking of your retardness just go fuck yourself nigger seriously how retarded can person be to refuse what im saying and say such a shit like this

go syrian go
14.11.2017 在 Impressive.
Such burn..damn son

作者: Guest, 13.11.2017 at 03:18

I am not comfortable with people who don't know me using nicknames such as that one to describe me, You might think it's double standards but Sid is my friend so it makes sense he can get away with saying something like that where as the regular person cannot.

Oh shut the fuck up self obsessed kiwi. After everything you ve done in this game and the people and ideas you have supported over your time here, you dare judge other people on moral grounds and cry for racism due to being called a fruit? Lmao what a hypocritical snowflake.

作者: Guest, 13.11.2017 at 03:18

Also in that game you saying shit to agitate me so don't try and act innocent.

Only he didnt, at least i didnt see anything in the video posted. Darth is one of the most polite and cool people here, i fail to see why you attack him publicly like this and try to bully him. "1v1 me
1v1 me". Very mature Trystane.
作者: Napoleon 1997, 13.11.2017 at 05:55

Keep your shitty opinion in Thaliand..you know NOTHING

Great argument, you really got me there. How will i ever recover.

Well, history taught us that Skanderbeg stood for everything modern Albanians stand against. If he saw the turn Albania took, becoming muslim, allying with his greatest enemy, Turkey and becoming a breeding ground for mindless nationalism, corruption, criminality and oppression of free speech and expression, he would roll on his grave.

You can have Skanderbeg as a national hero, who cares. But you certainly dont deserve him.
作者: Napoleon 1997, 12.11.2017 at 06:01

Oh and by the way there are Orthodox people in Albania as well, and guess what they are not Greeks or Serbs..they are Albanians.
Next time you talk shit make sure you get your facts right.

Nobody said a percentage of Albanians are not Christian. I said muslim majority which is factually correct so you must be mistaken or didnt understand what you read.
作者: Napoleon 1997, 12.11.2017 at 06:00

Skanderbeg created the Albanian state and died defending i

Source? Albanian state school book doesnt count. If you actually read about him you would know he didnt create anything, he was just a very successful rebel, a great fighter and general and amazing diplomat. He couldnt unite "Albania" let alone create it, some princes joined him, most didnt. He got betrayed numerous times and he even got backstabbed by his own relatives. He didnt die defending anything as he was the attacker and he was all around the balkans organizing guerilla attacks just to hurt the Ottoman empire. Im sorry to break your bubble, its just what it is.
作者: Rivaldo, 09.11.2017 at 17:03

TO people who really know history, its freaking funny seeing poor greeks trying to steal heroes from other countries. They never had one of their own. (i repeat gays arent considered heroes)

Only one Greek posted in this thread lol, paranoid/deluded much?

You are right, im pretty sure Greeks have no heroes of their own and need to "steal" "Albanian" heroes

Well the fact is Greece has a recorded history since at least 7.000 bc and Greek historians and philosophers are the single biggest contributors to history, most of what you know today are because of those gay greeks. In fact most of what is written about Albania and "Illyria", we know from Greeks and Byzantines, so the joke is on you funny character.

Anyway George Kastrioti (he signed with that name in his letters) ethnicity is heavily challenged by academic historians, his surname is greek as kastro = καστρο = castle but the early historiography, mainly by Serbs and Greeks and Italians is full of contradictions and rightly so. To understand Kastrioti and Albanian history one must actually open a book (or chrome web page) and read about the era.

There really wasnt an "Albania" as you mean it then, the area switched from Serb rule to Ottoman rule and genetically it was inhabitted by slavs with the southern area heavily intermingling with Greeks.

Kastrioti's movement was not socially or ethnically cohesive, it was just a rebellion and in fact was opposed by most "Albanians", the Venetian controlled Albanians opposed it, the Ottoman controlled Albanians opposed it and the southern Orthodox Albanians opposed it. Kastrioti's rebellion was a by the book class warfare, it had nothing to do with national identity and ethnicity, his direct enemy at first was not even the Ottoman empire per se, but the "Albanian" majority who enjoyed the privileges and the social structure the Ottomans and Venetians had imposed.

Kastrioti's early followers were mainly highland people, they were connected only by religion and class (lost power or were opressed by ottoman status quo). By religion i mean Christianity, since the whole movement was Christian, a mix of Catholics and Orthodox although the sole reason Scanderbeg was known and supported by international powers were catholic monks and clerics of mixed ethnicities.

Ethnic origin was of little significance at the time as the Orthodox aristocracy in the Balkans was so closely interrelated by marriage that it can be viewed as one group, united by its Byzantine heritage and Orthodox belief. Hungarians, Italians, Greeks, Bulgars and Serbs all worked together to fight the Ottoman empire and its supporters and it was certainly not even a shred of evidence that this was an Albanian national movement.


A lot of modern scholars have published works that contradict each other when it comes to Kastrioti's ethnicity, but the generally accepted bottom line is that Kastrioti was an Epirote and a slav living in an area and era heavily influenced by the Byzantines.

Kastrioti was a tragic figure and a hero of the Balkans and Christianity. In all fairness he has nothing to do with the ultra nationalistic, muslim majority, modern day Albanian state.

In fact one of the most widely accepted academic work is by Oliver Shmitt, a highly revered professor from the university of Vienna, stating that Kastrioti was probably more Serbian and that the term "Albanian" in medieval times was a pretty abstract term thrown around for people who either spoke a specific language, lived in that specific area or generally lived on top of mountains. Its more notable how the Albanians reacted when the book was translated, bullying the Albanian (he had a phd also) translator into suicide and creating a series of events on a state level, that left the international world speechless..


Its apparent that the modern day Albanian state and its highly nationalistic cognitive dissonanced muslim citizens need a hero like Kastrioti to create a national identity, a sense of historical pride due to documented achievements and claim cultural ties to the West, so i ll give you that. Nobody really cares that much and i dont really see many Greeks going out of their way to claim Kastrioti. Didnt happen with the Byzantine scholars and historians and is not happening now, its only happening in your paranoid, hate-filled brain.

I just wish you would read anything other than ultra-nationalistic, islamofascist albanian blogs so we could have more meaningful conversations about history, because it feels weird to know more about your country than you.
作者: clovis1122, 09.11.2017 at 11:58

作者: Khal.eesi, 09.11.2017 at 05:11

same thing happened with the rapist murderous psychopath named Muhammad and the Islamic conquest

I will assume you are trying to lump me with the rest of "the west" as being biased and hostile towards muslims in general. To do that you have to prove that my statement is not true which you cant and in fact you help me prove my point.

The little you know about Islam and Muhammad is by the book case of history written by the victors, as its filled with myths and blatant lies that muslim apologists promote nowdays in mainstream media, books and every single movie ever made, hollywood included.

All the information you need is in the Quran, Hadiths and the works of his early biographers. The stories are very interesting, Muhamad made the Quran up as he went, it started peacefull and in his last 10 years it became filled with violence and hatred. He was a thief, a robber, a murderer of men, women, children, elderly and of whole tribes, he condoned enslavement, rape and pedophilia.

Even if i wanted, i couldnt make this shit up. So next time dont try to draw false correlations and conclusions without even knowing the facts.

作者: clovis1122, 09.11.2017 at 11:58

Trump won the elections, why haven't he rewrite the history to make himself less hated than he is atm.

Flawed logic from either side...

First of all in this case we define winners as those who have the power to influence the content, flow and availability of the information available to the general public, so in that regard Trump is CERTAINLY not a winner as the whole of mainstream media, universally i might add, are against him, so again that actually proves MY POINT

Secondly, i didnt state that history is ALWAYS written by the victors, i merely said i am aware of so many cases and actual historians probably are aware of hundreds/thousands of cases and that is proof that the concept exists.

Lastly, history is the study of the past and Trump's presidency is the present so your whole point falls quickly anyway.

Trump will be judged by history but what does that even mean? As Aqui said he will be judged fairly by the few unbiased academics but whose voices probably will never be heard outside of their circles and their books/articles will never be promoted, instead the mainstream narrative will probably be pushed to the general public, burying him with hundreds of condemning books, articles and videos.

The same thing happened with Nixon, they were all out to get him and eventually they did got him and look at what people nowdays know about him. I did Watergate and Nixon in my school and before reading on my own i had the impression he was only a paranoid, useless, crook. People only know the worst, he has become a meme, when in reality he did marvelous things, he was a brilliant politician that left behind a list of great achievements. Same and worst will happen to Trump im sure.
作者: Rock Lee, 07.11.2017 at 17:53

It's not. It's just idiotic statement that demagogues use to promote their agenda.

Nah. Denying that history is written by the victors is a classic modern pseudointellectual trend that edgelord contrarians like to preach to seem cool.

History is filled with thousand of cases, i dont have time atm to elaborate but we can start with the old testament where Jews wiped out all their neighborhood tribes and enslaved their women but were considered noble and righteous, same thing happened with the rapist murderous psychopath named Muhammad and the Islamic conquest, the Vandals who were less barbaric than most empires of the time and actually preserved Roman culture, the Byzantines who massacred hundreds of thousand Greek pagans and razed all ancient greek temples to ww2 where nazism is villified as opposed to communism who killed 200 million more and Hitler who is demonized for killing 6 million jews when Churchil was equally racist and also killed 4 million Indians but is considered a hero. American history is filled with the same shit and modern history moreso, the usual mainstream media narrative is almost always biased and factually twisted.
03.11.2017 在 Update Spain
作者: Skanderbeg, 03.11.2017 at 14:42

But i don't know which one are more funny, your childish comment or niggah-acting reply.

01.11.2017 在 Update Spain
Agreed, its a massive hypocrisy.
01.11.2017 在 Obligatory Thread
Muslims and islamic apologists never really offered a solid, sound counterargument. Just appeals to emotion and overuse of triggerwords like nazis and islamophobes.

29.10.2017 在 My first video :)
2.6 Only the English language is permitted in public chat channels (room, help, global and the forums). You may use non-English in private chat and private password protected games or in their respective rooms.

Ban CD...
Waffel is a bitch
Huarcks jihadist terrorist ec forum posts still best thing in EC
27.10.2017 在 Homework help !
作者: Permamuted, 26.10.2017 at 18:41

You reap what you sow.

Harsh. I dont understand how you can be so mean, i mean its like you dont have emotions at all
18.10.2017 在 Why do clans fail?
作者: Mr_Own_U, 18.10.2017 at 12:34


Edit: I think we know what kills clans... Real life!

cough Illy cough..

thanks for that necro tho i enjoyed reading that. we had some good times old friend
作者: King Chris, 18.10.2017 at 16:17

Racism can easily be fixed, Just ban the racist permanently.

shut yo mouth nigger
作者: chill, 22.07.2015 at 16:27

作者: Khal.eesi, 22.07.2015 at 14:29

作者: chill, 08.06.2014 at 02:08

I would like a t-shirt that says chill, many thanks - chill

14.10.2017 在 How Dead is atWar?
12.10.2017 在 Parteeeeey
作者: Permamuted, 12.10.2017 at 16:38

作者: Waffel, 12.10.2017 at 14:17


Crazyy balkanski's counting me into things with me knowing it :$

eagle and croat will definitely beat you up. Too much shit has been said that cant be unsaid.
11.10.2017 在 Sieg Heil clovis
作者: Waffel, 11.10.2017 at 15:19

My god that profile picture is awfull...

when we mock muhammad its blashpemy punishable by death but when they mock jesus its fine.

09.10.2017 在 First aw strike
I took precautions and print screened the whole of sphinx deleted post because im smart like that and knew what was coming.

Selling it for 7 bucks (pay first through paypal) or membership to any decent foot fetish site. Use pm.
08.10.2017 在 First aw strike
作者: Waffel, 08.10.2017 at 17:24

To the people blasting on Amok at this moment:

You guys do realise its their game right?

Anyways before its to late, i'd like to thank both you and Ivan for holding this game together for the last couple of years, to bad I havent been here since the start, cause I knew and still do know alot of ways to improve it, but you guys managed to do a hell of a job holding it together with a small team like that.

Godamn remind me again why we didnt get that brilliant hood rat in Illyria. Damn you Laochra.
08.10.2017 在 First aw strike
作者: Amok, 08.10.2017 at 15:48

I myself personally, have close to zero time to spend on the game development at this moment of my life. Ivan is similar. We've been working tirelessly on this game for over 5 years, which had a big effect on our social lifes (mine certainly). We've got families, kids, you know. It came to a point when it's just not doable anymore. I still do believe we have achieved a lot, being such a small team and working on the game in our spare time.

I love your game, you obviously did a great job with it and i am grateful i spend so much of my time here, as i enjoyed it dearly and consider the money i spent well deserved. Thank you for this.

That being said i am a nerd for logical flaws and arguments that dont hold up, like the ones you offered. You guys having kids, dogs, wives and stuff is great and all but frankly we dont care, its non of our business since we are not friends. This is a business, you are selling something that people buy or rent, emphasis on the present term as you are still selling it. And since you are still selling it you should be able to do at least some minimal maintenance and i cant believe that someone doesnt have the time to log to his own game once per week to check how things are.

If i were you i would either :

- Find the time to fix the basic bugs and map maker and then say your goodbyes
- Make all the game options free and leave everything on auto-pilot
- Consider hiring one or two young programmers who will work for coffee and apple pie just so they can have this on their resume and have them occasionally fix bugs and etc maybe try the mapmaker
- Sell the game and since its obvious you lack the time/energy/motivation to adequately handle this, maybe make a public announcement with an approximate price and the community can spread the word.

If you dont do any of the above that probably means this is still/can be, a successful business for you and that means we should probably see you more often Amok

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