29.05.2016 - 16:55
we never said he did. we just said we feel uncomfortable playing with him since there were a few fishy things....and again ifwe feel like we wont enjoy a cw we wont play it its that simple man.....
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29.05.2016 - 17:18
29.05.2016 - 17:29
If it makes you happy, then yeah, he's too good of a player, unbeatable, god himself. Can we stop this already? This shoudn't have even started!!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
29.05.2016 - 17:31
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29.05.2016 - 17:35
First of all you should talk more respectfully to Laochra. After all not only you are not even close skill-wise, but you are thousand of miles away in terms of contribution to this game. Second of all, my conclusion after reading all the pile of shit you and your clanmates spouted, is that ENIGMA ARE FAGGOTS. There is no such thing as "clan rules", there is no such thing as an "alt" if you know the person who owns and is using the account and he is open about it, and there is no such thing as "we will cw whoever we want to for whatever reason we want to and we expect no heat in return". Nah, you enigma guys are just faggots, might as well admit it. Your arguments are invalid and fallacious and you deserve some public shaming. Shame on you. And shame on clovis more , for not having the backs of his clanmates when they are right, especially when he acts the contrarian in any other irelevant and trivial issue.
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29.05.2016 - 17:44
Hi Khaaaaaaaaaaaal! Nice to see you back in forum! ![]() Aw... don't hate on meeee, I missed you! And it may sound as stupid as you want (even faggot, which I know you like), but we play what we feel confortable to play ![]() ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
29.05.2016 - 17:48
barba crescit caput nescit
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29.05.2016 - 17:54
Hi baby! ![]() Missed you too and i do love you, but you are full of shit on this one. Freedom of choice does not mean freedom to discriminate without a valid reason. And since its not against the rules, the least you can expect is to call you out on it, publicly offcourse. Its logical and always has been this way. As for clovis he should be here writing blocks of texts and posting pics from dictionaries, what the hell did you do to him while i was away ![]()
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Ghost 账户已删除 |
29.05.2016 - 18:03
You have to Crack Enigmas Code before they can explain. ![]()
---- It's not the end. ![]()
29.05.2016 - 18:13
You were crystal clear bud but apparently i wasn't. And i am disappointed to see who in your clan upvoted this. Yea you can do whatever the hell you want but don't be surprised when you get called out on it. I only posted here because i have really taken issue with you guys since you are a part of the whole rank picking problem that plagues this game and makes players leave. in illys twilight years it made it almost impossible for me and acqui to play together except against clans like mk. Players like me and royal etc come to this game to have fun too believe it or not, it is not all about you. Khals right, shame on you all. ![]()
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29.05.2016 - 18:43
Aw fuck, pls staph!! Gonna blush!! :$ love you too! ![]() Let's see, we just don't cw alts, we do not discriminate the player itself but his alts. Where's the wrong doing in such thing? I still don't get the big deal about it. He could have simply asked privately or something beforehand. At least try to argue... but he directly comes publicly! How is that going to solve anything? Come on... he just bashed on us ![]() LMAO I didn't do anything, I swear! Maybe I gave him a bit too much love? Idk ![]()
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
29.05.2016 - 18:43
The end doesn't justify the means.
29.05.2016 - 18:46
But... Lao, pls, tell me how the heck is wrong to not allow alts in cws? I still don't get your point... how is that supposed to be a problem towards low ranks? WE DO NOT DISCRIMINATE RANK, we discriminate alts.... Plssssssssssssssssssssssss ![]() ![]() PS: I feel really helpless right now!
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
30.05.2016 - 00:56
did we ever tell you you cannot play? i dont care what enyone here think in my mind a guy thats r-11-12-13 is not on the same skill level as a r-9-10 but did we ever tell you you cant play when you matched our lower ranks as well? stop speaking out of your ass please.
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30.05.2016 - 01:15
You guys are all noobs anyway. Hehehe. join duel Need quick and easy elo! Join duel 10k 1 min eu+ JOIN NOW! http://atwar-game.com/games/?newlink=3434335665
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KingJim 账户已删除 |
30.05.2016 - 01:47 KingJim 账户已删除
don't go off topic
30.05.2016 - 05:13
Huuuh, shame on us all because Enigma refused to play a cw where someone is secretly using his alternative account for another coalition. Such a shame, I feel so shameful... There is a rule in enigma not to ever play a cw with ghosting or alternative accounts against anyone, so we expect from another coalitions to play same honestly against us. That's it. You can use arguments like known alt account is not actually an alt account, but I am sorry, any other account ruled by same player is an alternative account, known or unknown. Our leaders found out that Aqollo is actually Royal's alt and there was end of the story, with all respect to Royal as player and person. Please, just please, stop with 'Enigma scared of someone's skills so they refuse to cw'. You are making me laugh. Like Critical and Royal are only ones skilled on this game so we not gonna play them. lol. I am living proof that we are always open for a cw against any clan and any competitive player, independently of his fucking rank. As any competitive clan, we have our rules which you have to respect if you gonna cw us, so respect it or no cw. It's so simple thing, no reason for any of those kind of threads or comments against us.
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njab 账户已删除 |
30.05.2016 - 09:32 njab 账户已删除
You, guys from ENIGMA, make less sense every time you write a post on this topic. Do you even have an idea what an alt is? He played more time on his Aqollo account than on ROYAL, and his first account was Aqollo, too. I know him from the moment he started playing on ROYAL, and it was very recently. Now seriously. Stop making useless posts and trying to tell everybody else on AtWar how he's an alt, fooling you all and ruining competitive scene, maybe? Now let's see what do you say. You say having an alt for purpose of ghosting is bad for CWs. Is he ghosting anybody, playing on two accounts in the same CW or something else? Mystics are dead, it's all over after hdrakon was banned. You make no sense by making such idiotic accusations of him being CIA's most secret agent, with mask of a R8 alt? Do you want to see his Aqollo account being R10 to realize how idiotic your accusations are? Even funnier story is how you don't want to play Critical and even banned him, because "you don't feel comfortable playing him". I don't feel comfortable playing higher rank than me either, but I don't make worse excuses than a 13 years old girl.
30.05.2016 - 10:06
Recently? He has been on royal for months. To be more accurate, 288 days, close to a whole year. And looking at his profiles, he has been playing as much time in Aqollo as in Royal (+1k games on both accounts). Check it out for yourself... or haven't you done that yet??? Come on.... we are not ruining anything, we are not fooling anything, etc. He is not a real rank 8 player because he has been gone from his actual account for too damn long. What if we consider it an alt and you don't? You don't have the absolute truth and you must admit he doesnt have the experience of a rank 8, just as other alts don't have the experience of a rank 1. If he were given all the sp he has made this last year on Royal's account, then sure, we wouldn't be able to consider him an alt at all. Now, stop wasting your time arguing about this, you won't gain anything from bashing us. I don't have anything to say about Critical since I have never played him in cw. Still, by your offensive language, you'll gain nothing except hate... rephrase your accusations in a more respectful way shall you?? Btw, I don't like you generalising so much nor offending me personally.... I haven't done anything wrong.
---- Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you. We're all people. ![]()
30.05.2016 - 10:15
The question has been answered and everyone has expressed their opinions. Locked.
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