11.06.2012 - 12:54
No Wallfuck of enemy cities in the first turn is a common rule. What justifies this rule? Can you come up with a valid reason? Imagine a 1on1 situation without this rule applied: Would the gameplay be more intense or just completely ruined? Please discuss. Just to make it clear: Im talking about wf the capital
11.06.2012 - 12:57
You are right, before the turnblocking update this made sense, but now i see no reason for this rule.
11.06.2012 - 13:15
imagine ukraine wallfucking berlin and puting 30 bombers on it in 2° turn
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11.06.2012 - 13:20
imagine ukraine breaking berlin wall and puting 30 bombers on it in 3° turn
11.06.2012 - 13:51
until 3° turn u can have balcans/france and recapture differently if it happens in the 2nd turn when you will only have austria, benelux and denmark
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11.06.2012 - 14:31
+1 turn means some more reinforcements for BOTH players. I dont think the situation is that different.
11.06.2012 - 17:59
I think it is a good thing if you agreed with the other one about it give you a HUGE advantage ON THE GAME ! ![]() .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. PALESTINE TOMORROW WILL BE FREE !! ![]()
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12.06.2012 - 07:48
Is not only the reinforcements that are considered in the game longer the delay the game, more the ukraine's cash is taken you are mean that game would be more intense rushing cap in 2° turn and finishing in 4° turn.
which the relation?
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12.06.2012 - 08:16
I dont know, im was just asking. You dont know it yet but you started to realize that it doesnt actually matter too much if that rule applied or not. Yes ukr will lose late game in that matchup so it goes for that all in rush in both cases. But without the reinforcements from russia that arrive in berlin turn 3 this rush would be less powerful. And since this rush will decide the game in both cases i dont see why we would prolong it. In the acttually very likely case germany defends Berlin (whatever turn) ukr usually is too weak to recover and germany takes the win later on. Just that rush happened a bit earlier. I like the no wf rule. But i cannot find a valid reason that justifies it. So keep discussing please
12.06.2012 - 10:10
in cw is standard rule no 1 turn atack or wf. but in world games have to much beginers they dont know what is 1 turn atack or wf. relax vril sameone low rank atack you in 1 turn hhehehe and take you capitol?. Ivan and Amok should make all to start with peace in 1 turn so no one cant atack my baddy vrill in 1 turn ![]() turn 1 wallf or atack on enemy cap ruined game that my opinion.I really dont have idea how this to be fixed if we all in world games start with peace what will happand if two players atack berlin neutral in germany who will take? in other side 1 turn wf or atack on cap gives low rank chance to win again high rank ![]() if ivan and amok can make just in 1 turn to cant move units in enemy country territory(border) problem will be fixed,no more wallf or 1 turn atack thats my idea for better game i hope you will understand my english.if you dont understand call Desu for translate he is only who can understand my poor english hehehhe
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12.06.2012 - 10:21
If needed I can translate avatar's mess of the English language. My own input; I like the no first turn wf and I would justify it if I cared to spend more time on this topic. However, the general points have already been explained in this topic to justify it.