22.03.2012 - 19:12
I think we need a kong medal for AW It kinda feels disappointing to play AW all day and not get anything out of it on Kong. (Except for me being #1 on their SP earning charts) I was thinking medals on Kong for amount of SP earned, how many battles won, how many battles lost, and how many units destroyed. I maybe able to come up with a few more suggestions but I'm gonna leave it at this. p.s. I have a kong profile too
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
23.03.2012 - 02:58
It's not up to us, really. Kongregate creates badges for new games themselves. But they promised to do them for us, so we'll just have to wait.
23.03.2012 - 03:42
Challenge? Do that on this game and win a thing on another game. Maybe?
23.03.2012 - 04:57
Yeah i have already made the admins aware that badges need to be implemented for a major rise in players to happen. It has enough plays, and also the rating is above 4 stars, so hopefully we should get some soon
23.03.2012 - 08:39
Did you guys ever think about setting up shop on other sites as well? Like NG? Or is AW going to be a Kong exclusive?
23.03.2012 - 13:15
Kongregate probably forced it on them for it to be an exclusive. Otherwise, that would be a pretty bad business decision on their end. I'm not sure about Newgrounds, which I've been a member of for years. Following the redesign, "Games" and "Movies" have been renamed and various references to Adobe Flash have been removed all over the thing. Most notably, the famous Flash Portal has been tucked away and replaced by the similar "Classic Portal". The title (off-page) still reads "Flash Portal" though. The submission form still only accepts SWF files though. It's an uncertain situation. Even though it's not up anymore, Tom Fulp's post on the changes in the redesign did mention the renaming in the passing, hinting that Newgrounds may accept more than Flash files in the future. The best you can do is ask Tom himself. ![]()
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
23.03.2012 - 13:18
Wow, when did they change the layout? Haven't been on in forever. Anyways, totally forgot about accepting file types, so it's a bummer AW can't be on there.
24.03.2012 - 14:52
Personally, i think is newgrounds is a much better site. Kongregate is just, hey lets give this game medals then get huge revenue from it, then only recongnise games we think are easily addicting so people view moar adverts!!!
24.03.2012 - 23:46
personally I have to agree with you.
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
25.03.2012 - 08:05
Well, I don't know how "medals" work in Kongregate, but I do much prefer Newgrounds. Many major "Flash artists" are on there and there is a genuine community of Flash aficionados. All the creators of the site contribute games, too, and listen to feedback a lot. They were violently opposed to SOPA as well and wrote lengthy posts on it. Great guys, always loved them. And unlike bastards like Armour Games (I never played on Kongregate, came about too late), you get a full-featured game! They don't force you to go to Armour Games to play the whole game. That practice really pisses me off, especially the fact that if you download the game to play offline you only get half a game. Even if you got it from Armour Games FFS. Kongregate is pretty much just as bad, as they forbid embedding onto other sites if games are published on there first.
---- YOBA:
Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
25.03.2012 - 10:30
It depends on the game really. Some games, like Don't Look Back and Coma are amazing on NG and Kong. But others, like Interactive Buddy and Kingdom Rush Are very chopped. Kong isn't bad, neither is NG or AG. It all depends on the game and the site. If it's a Kong-made game, like Don't look back, play it on Kong. If it's an NG made game, like Alien Hominid, play it on NG. Etc
27.03.2012 - 08:15
Please tell me you're kidding. they dont even let you get any input?
27.03.2012 - 16:10
I had the same reaction but I think he's serious.
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
27.03.2012 - 22:16
Yes, it is quite bothersome only the good guys' over at Kong can make Badges and the likes. But fret not, i'm sure when they are added, they will be kick-ass. On a side note; is AW Badges are added, maybe if you complete them all you get a trophy on your profile?
28.03.2012 - 16:56
If got trophy on both profiles would be beast ![]()
---- I like stuff.... Yay?
12.04.2012 - 09:33
Kongregate is pure crap,they overrate the worst multiplayer flash games i've found on the internet,such as TDP4 and platform racing while their best games are burried. i've seen a great game being used to adversite the worst MMORPG i've yet to find if afterwind will get badges on kongregate,it may be more popular,but as far as i know,it will be full of kids with a limited lexicon of the words "hack,bitch,noob" or kids who'll ask stupid questions such as "IS THIS GAME 3D? IS THIS GAME FUN?",and even worse,they'll make me look like a freakin PRO,which is what im NOT. the game should be posted in a site like newgrounds,i've seen mature people over there + they know what games should have the respect of a good game and what games not
12.04.2012 - 16:16
I had a kid named xLEGITxSNIPEZx or something idiotic like that told me the other day "ur a haker go kill urself", because I beat him when he had Slovenia and only Slovenia. The kids, they have come!
12.04.2012 - 17:12
This happens too me alot. Mostly because of all my upgrades though. I remember in one game someone called me a hacker because I had 15 units on a ship and 4 units on a air transport. ps where do you and YOBA find those sites! I want to use some!
---- I like stuff.... Yay?