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05.03.2011 - 19:22
If a Unit wins alot of battles it would be cool if it leveled up. maybe 1 of the unit adds a bonus to any unit attacked to it.
Stacking them would also be nice as long as its not the same bonus
EX. infentry wins a tuff fight and 1 of them gets a +1 on att now all infentry in that unit attached to it get the +1 to att later your bomber win a great defence so 1 of them levels to a +1 defence for bombers attached to it now the 2 units combine and all infentry units get +1att and Air units get +1 defence later another unit combines with them and you have another +1 att infentry unit in there but the bonus stays at +1 to att.
you could goto any number for each unit 1-10 i think this would add alot of flavor to the game.
Where's the BEEF!
05.03.2011 - 22:07
I like the idea. It would make successful offensives and blitzes even more dangerous and realistic. It would also force the attacked player to focus on stopping it rather than just stacking their cap and waiting slothfully until the defenders through themselves against its defenses.

It's basically a stack bonus, only for battle experience.
06.03.2011 - 07:30
Some sort of army veteran system would be good and realistic but might screw up balance alittle. Prehaps it should be quiet rare that this happens and only gives a small boost.
06.03.2011 - 11:41
Level up by the amount of kills 1 unit has made... Nice

To make it rare just make it so 1 unit needs to kill 5 others to gain a rank. And make this rank only +1 attack and +1 defence.

That way you only get a small bonus yet it looks nice.
06.03.2011 - 23:33
I agree and could be something as marine and after a few kills marine + then like marine * at fist it could be attack then next time could be spear sounds fun
07.03.2011 - 15:42
Yes any unit soucl LVL up I dont feel there would any imbalance to the game becasue Both defending and attacking troops can gain the bonus.
Where's the BEEF!
07.03.2011 - 18:31
Just speaking objectivly, it is rather imposible, except in the very odd cases, for one unit to kill five units in the new battle system.
07.03.2011 - 19:42
Thats so true. But lets make it so that can happen. imagin you take on 4 other players and keep withdrawing into smaller and smaller map space but during this time your infentry go from a normal defence score to a +10 to defence. your capital would be verry hard to take even though you had almost no chance to attack back. But your oponent would also have a few +s to his guys attack's by then
Where's the BEEF!
08.03.2011 - 05:47
Well, you can always lower it to 3 kills for a promotion, even though it is very unlikely that your men will survive long being promoted.
08.03.2011 - 20:24
If they do they could gain 1 attack 1 defense and 3 hp and then that again once they level up again... with big stack I think there could be 1 man that survives
08.03.2011 - 20:29
Marc I don't think you realize how much advantage extra hp gives to units. Other than that this just reminds me of civilization and I don't really think it would fit in well with the way the game currently plays.
08.03.2011 - 22:58
Thats fine I just figured it would be just something else added im cool with not having it but just thought it was cool and throwing out an idea
09.03.2011 - 02:01
 Ivan (管理员)
I just want to mention that we don't keep track of an individual unit, in stacks they are just type + amount. Once a unit enters a stack, there's no way to distinguish it form other units.
09.03.2011 - 12:56
Then you would have to change the unit name or something for example
infentry win a few attacks now there all +1 on attack and are now called inproved infentry
This would be cool to because you could make it stack with other units and not let the other units get the bonus to keep it a little more ballanced.
Where's the BEEF!
09.03.2011 - 14:10
The only way i can think of this as being possible in the current battle system is if the unit that was just damaged got rotated to the bottom after it destroyed a unit it got rotated to the bottom of the stack. This would mean the unit would be saved after its battle but if the overall battle went all the way through the stack the units would be weaker the second time because .
09.03.2011 - 23:49
What IF you added a way to spend your SP erned in game durring game?
i got 10SP on my attacks that turn i use it to give 10 units+1 attack or something.
Let the game track as it does now and reward sp the same at the end but alow for an ingame spending this would achive alot of things afterwind is trying to acomplish
it would slow turns down, stop blizting, make people able to defend better, add stratagy, inprove units
Heck you could make a special SP unit list even that you need to unlock with SP under the curent system.
Im betting you like this idea!
Where's the BEEF!
10.03.2011 - 00:09
So what your saying is someone could creat a unit with like 100 attack and 100 hp if they had 200 sp?
10.03.2011 - 01:01
Specter i posted the entire idea under Ideas called SP the new version or something like that. but yes! you could buy PLASMA troopers or Ion bombs Nukes anything you wana try out Please read it and get back to me.
Where's the BEEF!
11.03.2011 - 10:41
Seems alot like your in-game units idea...
12.03.2011 - 01:37
Thats what it is Gard
Where's the BEEF!
13.03.2011 - 00:17
He missed the move. can we delete this thread?

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