This has been happening for a few days. turns have been ending like 30 seconds before they actually should end.
This issue has been happening to not only me but to a lot of people.
Fix this issue please, Nerdvis
Nice 2 same screenshots... btw i already made a bug topic.
sometimes It happens, normally it's your computer that's lagging so i think the turn clock runs slow which makes the turn end early. the only time this every happens to me is when I have too many other things running in the background while I'm playing. Usually it's only when I have other games up.
But if this is different then I am not sure. Might be a server thing.
sometimes It happens, normally it's your computer that's lagging so i think the turn clock runs slow which makes the turn end early. the only time this every happens to me is when I have too many other things running in the background while I'm playing. Usually it's only when I have other games up.
But if this is different then I am not sure. Might be a server thing.
it never happend, and know it's happending to... everyone basically.
Such things belong to Bug subforum and should be posted or possibly discussed over there.
Mentioned issue was already reported there by Palmitas, so this thread duplication is pointless. You can expect a feedback about it soon.
Also, you can check the on-going thread by clicking on this link ---> https://hr.atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=45373