02.02.2018 - 12:08
We have this battle on the table ![]() lb vs pd phase 1- 7 tanks failed 2 inf (the logic) phase 2- 10inf 5 mil 1 trans killed 14 pd inf (the logic) notes:7* 9damage 22 critical with stack bonus < 2* 9damage 9 critical without stack bonus the other part was 10inf 5 mil 1 trans killing 14 inf and a trans so just look on them as two separate battles... conclusion: nice outrageous battle system where we all know the range of this battle could vary from defender winning by 5 into attacker winning with only tanks lost.......... no need to repost screenshots now except for this that says it all ![]() game is not fun when you risk losing first turn every single game what ever you do and no matter how much you send you may lose no matter how low is the chance its still possible and it can and will happen sometimes according to the maths and to the test strategies are a cover the real problem is THE BATTLE SYSTEM! (a game we say that pd is OP and in another we say that IF is OP and in another LB is OP and in another that DS is broke and all of this stuff while the real problem is not the strategies at all except for lb which benefits from the guaranteed maximum roll hit as a constant factor) solution is to ask the admins that says "ivan: the battle system has been the same for years and there were no compliant about it, whats with this <<<sudden>>> compliant now?" to simply change the minimal hit range into half up to max which already applies to any unit that has +15 damage(it'll never deal less then 8 absolutely never as the code says so) and that itself wont eliminate the bs rolls but it will limit 1 unit from being capable of killing 7 alone(without including criticals) with alot of luck into killing 3 with alot of luck(without criticals)
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.02.2018 - 12:12
We've been down this road before. Ivan/amok didnt want to change the battle system. Maybe when the mapmaker is done and after some bugfixes we can talk to clovis about it. But for now we are all in the same boat. SO STOP CRY.
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02.02.2018 - 12:23
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.02.2018 - 13:34
This loud crying by sf may actually fuck up some stuff..
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
02.02.2018 - 16:20
admins doesnt even read mods forum im just creating rebellion already gave up long ago
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
02.02.2018 - 21:48
When will you understand. Making the minimum rolls half of the max will ALSO affect the enemy and neutral units. Pretty soon we'll have you crying that your infantry keeps rolling 2 on attack and the enemy keeps rolling 8. Then you'll cry about removing rng and having units always roll their max. If you had any math sense WHATSOEVER you would realize that rolls average out to half the max rolls discounting crits.
03.02.2018 - 05:10
hah? machine guns cannot roll less then 8 as they are 8+9 which is larger roll then 15 = never rolls then half, so are trenches and i like it except for the trench part as you can be rolling 1 against a 13 minimal rolling unit which is gay already, rather why not having minimal of 4-5 as a damage carry against this 13? i'd rather not like to see 400 pd conscript stack vs 2 poison gas units with some 200 unit killing 100 conscript as conscripts are rolling 1-2-3 while poison units always criting and rolling half, when i played prussia once i sent 30 unit including poison against 11 conscript and they did a fking crit and killed him while with other players the poison kills any 50 unit stack when in big stack with 0 unit lose most of the time and thats gay, it should be killed with at least 2 hits after it attack as it deals 70-105~ damage each hit already..... never forget the 7 hp factor before you claim that dealing half wont fix the shit out by the way the battle wont take a wield range it will be fixed to half what its now and i have already mentioned that this wont be killing the lotto rolls yet reduce their chances although you guys like to see it the other way how battles go now? beside the example i did put up there ill put another, i sent 5 lb tanks to kill 8 mil in a test the battle has turned into 3tanks with the third barely having hp against 2 mil that are hurt and the mil still won, 2mil did kill 3 lb tanks but before that in the same battle 2 tanks killed 6 militia, and we got from 2 tanks defeating 6 mil into 2mil defeating 3 tanks in 1 single battle, but the thing is that phase two wont be possible anymore with my suggestion= eliminated this battle's illogical result. rolls are random 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 vs 1-2-3-4-5-6 they can be rolling 1 while enemy rolling 6 its totally random but its better in my opinion to be minimal 4 to 3 as if they get lucky they wont be lasting for ever until their hp ran out and here is an example ![]() also no they do not average out and each battle is separate and random you are never safe no matter how many 1mores you send in this game, its very retarded when i get 8inf and a gen failing poland as pd and nobody even believes me, or 10inf and gen failing 8mil lol thats fucked up man you said that 25inf failing 20 inf seems normal to you so calm down please with your obviously poisoned opinion
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.02.2018 - 05:54
when you come into such a conclusion you should immediately realize that you have no idea what i'm talking about and its nothing to do with LB yes LB is overpowered but the battle system is very random and very gay and would make any gay battle in general even more gay you have to understand that you winning 50 vs 30 with 35 left and in a next try with same units same strategies you be having 30 and in a next you be having 25 and in a next you be losing your high damage carry at the cost of a minimal loses on the 30 and winning by 5~ or even losing is not fair, this is especially true if we speak about LB because the criticals are constant full hit damage in addition to another normal damaging hit which will rarely suck and i do rather not care if LB is powerful or not, i do just care that its infantries get the intended nerf of +10 cost in exchange of the 10 promised critical hits srsly either remove the +10 criticals of the infantries and militia or give them the +10 cost and keep it there's no third choice except making a garbage over spammed strategy
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.02.2018 - 07:01
This is how its been always...i say bring back neutrals gaining +1 turn 1 was funny.If you dont like it just dont play this fuqing game go play with your calculator.
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03.02.2018 - 09:19
what are you talking about?!
---- ''Everywhere where i am absent, they commit nothing but follies'' ~Napoleon ![]()
03.02.2018 - 09:40
gay father and 4nic always tells me GayFather/4nic: shut up you noob troll you dont even play Mr Laochra says ~Laochra: sf + cw doesnt mix they can confirm Mr witch doctor says Witch-Doctor: duel DUEL JUST 1 GAME COME ON DUEL DUEL DUEL am i really playing this game? sometimes i accept to play but mostly i do not you really gotta force me to play this luck game, when im the ultimate strategist i'd like the game to depend less on luck because i hate to lose while im not a loser :/ your counter argument = rolls are fun, what kind of response do you expect? even about the lb thingy < "LB is fun" very valuable opinion jajajaja i so much like how LB became main strat in europe except for turkey and still people say it sucks... do you even play or have any sense of skills in this game anyways except shit talking and spamming politics and shit talking mods especially laochra and cc and eagle that would have called you a retard in public if they weren't mods(they still do it in private)? i have proved myself as a challenge and always provide full detail over the situation yet you have always been that low tier player easy player that everybody considers "n0OB" EZ not any different then hellriser both noob shit talkers that belongs to the trash list ![]() the other expected illogical response you expect after this statement: agreed this is so funny! nvm i take back what i have said AHAHAHAHAHA SO FUNNY GAME HAHAHAHA 30 KILLED 20 HAHAHAHAHA 1 TBED 55 HHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA XAXAXAHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEUHEUHEUE CRY LOSERS HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA HAAHAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.02.2018 - 11:31
---- Our next Moments are Tomorrows Memories
03.02.2018 - 11:51
I think the real problem with the strategies is, the one who's changing it constantly. Mr Laochra.
03.02.2018 - 12:16
04.02.2018 - 05:20
I dont know what are you talking about with my relation with mod is....i can gurantee you no one of them called me retarded or anything like this in private.Admins make this game they choose.Competitive player community is in half about the changes you like...but i think if we ask all AW community if they want the game to lose the favor of luck they will say no.In the end its a game and nothing more.Even in esports gamers there is luck and no body complains about it.
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