This is like the 3rd time I've seen a topic like this but, playing with Eagles8539 definitely put me on the right track.
Learster!!! Bow to your MoS god!!
Almost a year ago, I joined Inglorious Basterds. There, I met Grimm who told me some basics. I also met Trinig (Silent One) which invited me to join him and form a new clan SoM. Then, the training began. I couldn't play a game without having real-time and post-game comments and we we're training all the time. AS, Mac and Bes helped me a lot too.
Thanks guys!
I remember joining a Greek coalition i think it was hellenic .. Later I join Spart clan, I leearned zero thing and never cw there. I join Hydrakon's coalition some rank 7 dude. Then i left because i wanted to become better so I went to evoL ,I play my first cw in the clan, but Mou demoted me , becuase he was evil  . I leearn something about blitzkrieg and bomber+transport combo thingy . then i came to killa instinct
作者: Htin, 23.12.2014 at 17:00
I remember joining a Greek coalition i think it was hellenic .. Later I join Spart clan, I leearned zero thing and never cw there. I join Hydrakon's coalition some rank 7 dude. Then i left because i wanted to become better so I went to evoL ,I play my first cw in the clan, but Mou demoted me , becuase he was evil . I leearn something about blitzkrieg and bomber+transport combo thingy . then i came to killa instinct
Shame on mou