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23.05.2013 - 07:34
Hello there !

After some battles to take the game in hands, arrive the time when players want to try CWs.

But, i've been cherching since 2hours, and I didn't find how to use the system.

Actually, i'm "officer" in my coalition. My first question is: Is this grade enough to organize a CW ?

Then, I've seen in the 4.11 of the FAQ (Contacts menu) two buttons "W" and "m".
I don't have it yet, and I'm asking myself if this buttons ("W" and "m") are not the solutions to propose a CW ?

Sorry if an answer already exist.

23.05.2013 - 08:03
"w" and "m" are warning and mute buttons that only moderators possess. Leaders and Officers are the only ones who can organize CWs. To do so, click the tab in the top right hand corner of the lobby that is labeled "Cln Wars". This will take you to the CW room lobby. Upon getting there, click create game. Under type of game, select Coalition War. Then select the two clans who will be participating and start the game.

As for scheduling CWs though, you just talk to an officer/leader of another clan and figure out when you guys want to do one together. Anyways, hope this helps! Cheers!
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."
23.05.2013 - 08:07
So now I have to propose it to another clan.

Many thanks Spart !
23.05.2013 - 19:49
Anytime! You are very welcome.
"In atWar you either die a hero or live long enough to ally fag and gang bang some poor bastards."

"In this game, everyone is hated."

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