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发表从 avatar, 21.03.2020 - 13:24
Total Confirmed

Total Deaths

Total Recovered

Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty

81,304 China
53,578 Italy
25,374 Spain
22,177 US
21,828 Germany
20,610 Iran
12,485 France
8,799 Korea, South
6,284 Switzerland
4,176 United Kingdom
3,640 Netherlands

You can't get a corona virus. If you stay home drinking rakija and playing atwar

30.03.2020 - 14:11
Sorry tik tok, too long to read
11.04.2020 - 16:16
Coronavirus Cases:


11.04.2020 - 16:23
Looks like this pandemia will lasting to December 2022

China will be first economy soon
China + Russia = Euroasia > rip eu nato usa

In the movies, its Americans who inevitably save our planet from destruction but this time
Only Tsar Putin can save us ......
08.05.2020 - 05:47
Coronavirus Cases:


10.05.2020 - 20:52
作者: Tik-Tok, 30.03.2020 at 13:15

作者: Kaska, 29.03.2020 at 05:04
% of chance that China lied on its numbers ?

100%. Their original graph was following a mathematical formula. They didn't test the dead, and they locked people up in their apartments. They ordered multitudes of crematorium vans and news from China has completely closed. Various westerners living in China were booted out. We have no idea what is going on there, but it's a damn certainty that it wasn't 80,000.

作者: Acidus, 21.03.2020 at 18:18
Bland, typical neo-liberal cope posting

Yet another opinion that someone thinks is there own but it just parroting Establishment propaganda. I am beyond sick of people that spout their opinions taken directly from the most untrustworthy source and thinking they're so smart for repeating it. The reason you spout this dumb shit is because you're signalling Establishment views to maintain your social status. Much of the middle-class and liberal opinions are merely status seeking as they are told that holding a differing view form the system makes them low-status, and the status seeker fears this most of all.

We have numerous cases of young people with no pre-existing conditions dying. We don't test the dead. This also completely misses out the key point which is that hospitals are overloaded. What happens when the beds are full? What happens to all the people with mild symptoms who get worse and can't get treatment? What happens to all the people who need non-covid care but have no access due to the system being overloaded? Why do you think all these labcoats are talking about 'flattening the curve' and 'staggering the pandemic'? Old people dying are still your PEOPLE. They are our grandparents, mothers, fathers, aunties and uncles. They are our family. To all those claiming it's just a 'flu', then it's a second fle that will double the kill count of current flu. This is still early days, it's only been a month or two. Pandemics last years. Current projections claim this will last 6 months, which is a lie since most backdoor projections claim 18 months. Why 18 months? Because that's how long a vaccine will take to test. States have no idea what to do. This virus also mutates incredibly fast, and it's completely unpredictable. This also doesn't touch on the mass poverty we're all about to face with supply lines cut, global trade shutting down and massive unemployment from a total market crash.

The future of the youth was fucked before, now whatever scraps you thought your status seeking would get you will be permanently cut-off. Tens of millions of people will die of covid-related conditions from this over the next decade and longer. It's not just the virus that kills, but the non-viral effects of it like poverty, scarcity and economic meltdown panic. You people only take snippets of information that is pissed down on us from above. You fail to see the grand picture, the devastation on a fragile system, the crippling effects on worldwide momentum. The effects on a global population that once had bread that now may not. The new scarcity of this environment this alone will bring about a radical change on the human mindset. We have a generation of loners, malcontents with degenerative worldviews in an incohesive resource scarce environment suddenly plummeted into Depression level conditions amid a pandemic. The aftermath of this, if it actually ends which it may not since most experts claim this is a permanent part of our ecosystem, will be pure unchained cosmic horror.

"But it's just the flu, bro. It only kills the elderly."

Stfu. These dumb opinions were annoying before. They were part of a myriad of control memetics to keep us in line as we were slaughtered and enslaved. Now your Establishment piss opinions are dangerous. They're killing vast numbers of people and your cowardice in denying reality is reaching levels of murderous apathy. Hate me all you want, get angry at my aggressive attitude all you like, but I'm done pretending these shitty opinions are just a nuisance anymore. The scope of destruction is incalculable and your lack of critical thinking isn't justified anymore. Your comfort levels are going top drop like a stone and you're going to be exposed to an unknown world of resource deprivation and violent scared people. You need to grow up and starting taking an active role in searching for truth in a world of lies, because these lies now have a taste for blood.

"Tik-Tok, you're being harsh, he's only posting statistics"

No, he's parroting Establishment copes that keep us in line while the world burns. I'm done playing nice with opinions and copes that keep us drugged for the slaughterhouse. You were all wrong. Dead wrong. For a decade I dealt with the bullshit, the lies and the attacks. My philosophy has been oppressed and crushed for 80 years and look what you all did? And now you wont even take responsibility for the mess YOU ALL made. You double-down and DOWNPLAY the mess, you pretend it isn't even a fucking mess. Fuck that, fuck you. I'm done with that. I and my kind were proven right on a cosmic scale and you don't get to pretend you still have legitimacy. You lost that. We were right and we have the only legitimate hand in this game. You don't get to double down on your copes and bullshit anymore.

We were right. We were always right.

You are blind, you aren't woke. Take the red pill.

I do not know what you are talking about, but I think that the virus is being blown out of proportion and liberal governors aren't doing enough to protect nursing homes, which is where the death toll dominates. Andrew Cuomo is the worst. He won't release nursing home statistics like every other state because they are the worst, upwards of 80% die in nursing homes. Yet, he has 85% approval rating. The media is disgusting. Meanwhile, in Florida, Ron DeSantis has handled the crisis perfectly by applying different restrictions to different areas of the state
Happiness = reality - expectations
12.05.2020 - 23:27
But bro, the globalist elites made this virus and 1g causes it meeeen, don't take the vaccination meeeen!
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
12.05.2020 - 23:29
作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52

>Take the red pill.

*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
13.05.2020 - 04:31
作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
You are blind, you aren't woke. Take the red pill.

And what rabbit hole would that be? More William F Buckley, low corporate tax, redscare bullshit? Illuminati? Freemasons? NWO? Is it the Founding Fathers bullshit you prattled about months ago or the Anti-Iran neocon bullshit you regularly spout today? Is it 'redpilled' to lie about market stability to the goyim, and then later claim you prepared for market failure? What exactly is 'redpilled'? What possible lies could you make that could possibly convince me against the obvious truth: that we live under anti-white Zionist Supremacy and that you seek to maintain it.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
I do not know what you are talking about

Yes, you do. You know exactly what I am talking about. Someone who defends market stability publically, but privately invests in market failure knows a lot more than they are letting on. Someone who mentions the 'USS Liberty' out the blue is well versed in narrative and rhetoric. Someone who puts on a mask one day and then puts on another the next, in order to fool and lie understands exactly what I said. Don't you fucking lie and play naive. You understood me very well and I have no doubt that you and others like you are having conversations about what I said on an hourly basis.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
but I think that the virus is being blown out of proportion

And here's where he seeks to manipulate for his interests. The virus is a lot worse than they are claiming, and the disinformation we receive is part of the same kosher sandwich we're all forced to be the filling for. I have laid out the truth numerous times; the system hasn't got a clue how to deal with this. They only acted with lockdowns after markets tanked, but lockdown is destroying the global economy. Fundamentally, it is destroying power, and specifically the power of people who dictate the system; Zionists. Spicer and others want those market engines revving again to maintain what they have, even at the price of dead goyim.

People forced back to work will receive no hazard pay, no compensation for work lost, no debt relief for student loans, rent, mortgage or other costs. They will enter into an extremely dangerous and unsafe work environment at the behest of a Zionist Supremacy that only cares about its exclusive interests and power, that see's us as a threat and an obstacle. The Zionist system, including financial groups and Zionist NGO's received $5.5 trillion in stimulus. Zionist Wall Street also recieved 2 rillion to keep their markets and profits afloat. They use media to foster resentment in conservative and progressive groups setting them apart so they don't both come to the same conclusion that the system is inept, corrupt and ONLY serves Zionist interests, which is why it failed to deal with a crisis, because it was never designed to serve the public. It exclusively serves Zionist goals and interests. Conservatives are so paranoid due to the system being so utterly anti-white, that they mostly believe that the very concept of an institution is evil, and that institutions will never help them. The progressive believes everything the system says, and is told that the 'problem' that prevents the system working properly is those 'dumb white rednecks'. While media shows images of a few boomers yelling dumb things in the street at FAKE protests, media ignores the Jewish protests and crowds in New York. Right now, another racebait story of 'UNARMED BLACK MAN SHOT DEAD BY EVIL WHITE MEN' is doing the rounds. Despite the story being two months old with clear evidence of a justified shooting, numerous stories of black-on-white violence including a toddler being raped and killed, isn't mentioned. This story was chosen, by powerful Zionists, to distract from societal degredation. I have lost count on the distraction narratives.

Here's what everyone should be doing: We should be demanding a public stimulus. Better wages, hazard pay, debt relief and food packages. This would be cheap compared to the $5.5 TRILLION given to Zionist Wall Street and Occupied-Institutions on a whim. At no point has this system been under so much pressure, at no point has it been weaker. Now is the time for the goyim to demand a stimulus for THE PEOPLE, and they will cave if given enough pressure.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
blah bah, cherry-picked data, kosher sandwich reps vs dems bullshit

Fuck your kosher sandwich. Fuck your jingoism and cheerleading. Fuck your downplaying of the pandemic, and fuck your laughing as you profit from it you evil amoral anti-white mollusk. I will not play your game, and more people are refusing to play it too. The notion that puppeted politicians have any real power or say in the system is an utter joke.They do what their Zionist backers tell them to do, and they act depending on which faction of Zionism is telling them to do it.

You are part of the faction that wants to send the goyim into a dangerous environment so you can stay in power. Fuck that. Fuck your power, fuck your system. The goyim demand a public bailout and anything less than this is controlled-opposition narrative.

13.05.2020 - 05:56
作者: Tik-Tok, 13.05.2020 at 04:31

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
You are blind, you aren't woke. Take the red pill.

And what rabbit hole would that be? More William F Buckley, low corporate tax, redscare bullshit? Illuminati? Freemasons? NWO? Is it the Founding Fathers bullshit you prattled about months ago or the Anti-Iran neocon bullshit you regularly spout today? Is it 'redpilled' to lie about market stability to the goyim, and then later claim you prepared for market failure? What exactly is 'redpilled'? What possible lies could you make that could possibly convince me against the obvious truth: that we live under anti-white Zionist Supremacy and that you seek to maintain it.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
I do not know what you are talking about

Yes, you do. You know exactly what I am talking about. Someone who defends market stability publically, but privately invests in market failure knows a lot more than they are letting on. Someone who mentions the 'USS Liberty' out the blue is well versed in narrative and rhetoric. Someone who puts on a mask one day and then puts on another the next, in order to fool and lie understands exactly what I said. Don't you fucking lie and play naive. You understood me very well and I have no doubt that you and others like you are having conversations about what I said on an hourly basis.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
but I think that the virus is being blown out of proportion

And here's where he seeks to manipulate for his interests. The virus is a lot worse than they are claiming, and the disinformation we receive is part of the same kosher sandwich we're all forced to be the filling for. I have laid out the truth numerous times; the system hasn't got a clue how to deal with this. They only acted with lockdowns after markets tanked, but lockdown is destroying the global economy. Fundamentally, it is destroying power, and specifically the power of people who dictate the system; Zionists. Spicer and others want those market engines revving again to maintain what they have, even at the price of dead goyim.

People forced back to work will receive no hazard pay, no compensation for work lost, no debt relief for student loans, rent, mortgage or other costs. They will enter into an extremely dangerous and unsafe work environment at the behest of a Zionist Supremacy that only cares about its exclusive interests and power, that see's us as a threat and an obstacle. The Zionist system, including financial groups and Zionist NGO's received $5.5 trillion in stimulus. Zionist Wall Street also recieved 2 rillion to keep their markets and profits afloat. They use media to foster resentment in conservative and progressive groups setting them apart so they don't both come to the same conclusion that the system is inept, corrupt and ONLY serves Zionist interests, which is why it failed to deal with a crisis, because it was never designed to serve the public. It exclusively serves Zionist goals and interests. Conservatives are so paranoid due to the system being so utterly anti-white, that they mostly believe that the very concept of an institution is evil, and that institutions will never help them. The progressive believes everything the system says, and is told that the 'problem' that prevents the system working properly is those 'dumb white rednecks'. While media shows images of a few boomers yelling dumb things in the street at FAKE protests, media ignores the Jewish protests and crowds in New York. Right now, another racebait story of 'UNARMED BLACK MAN SHOT DEAD BY EVIL WHITE MEN' is doing the rounds. Despite the story being two months old with clear evidence of a justified shooting, numerous stories of black-on-white violence including a toddler being raped and killed, isn't mentioned. This story was chosen, by powerful Zionists, to distract from societal degredation. I have lost count on the distraction narratives.

Here's what everyone should be doing: We should be demanding a public stimulus. Better wages, hazard pay, debt relief and food packages. This would be cheap compared to the $5.5 TRILLION given to Zionist Wall Street and Occupied-Institutions on a whim. At no point has this system been under so much pressure, at no point has it been weaker. Now is the time for the goyim to demand a stimulus for THE PEOPLE, and they will cave if given enough pressure.

作者: Tribune Aquila, 10.05.2020 at 20:52
blah bah, cherry-picked data, kosher sandwich reps vs dems bullshit

Fuck your kosher sandwich. Fuck your jingoism and cheerleading. Fuck your downplaying of the pandemic, and fuck your laughing as you profit from it you evil amoral anti-white mollusk. I will not play your game, and more people are refusing to play it too. The notion that puppeted politicians have any real power or say in the system is an utter joke.They do what their Zionist backers tell them to do, and they act depending on which faction of Zionism is telling them to do it.

You are part of the faction that wants to send the goyim into a dangerous environment so you can stay in power. Fuck that. Fuck your power, fuck your system. The goyim demand a public bailout and anything less than this is controlled-opposition narrative.

When my grandfather lived through the gulags and endured the Siberian winters he saw many men like you.

You are mad that Jews like myself are making more money, more smarter, more better than you in every way. You are a weak human. You are weak physically and mentally. You can not understand how much stronger we the Jewish race are. Go back to your Nazi rat hole where you came from. We already eliminated your weak idiot breed once and we can do it again. Stay in your dofuckery shithole you call a home while I enjoy fine wives and luxury dinners from the top of the skyscraper. Fuck your sister until your inferior gene is no longer. You are weak. You are a gazelle. We are a race of predators. All you can do is cry on this Estonian browser game forum because you are nothing. You can not accomplish anything. That is why your here. Because no matter how much you cry out blaming our master race, no one will hear you.

And lastly, keep fearing us you swine.

13.05.2020 - 09:31
What the fuck has this world turned into...?
Don't ever look down on someone unless you're helping him up. Don't ever treat someone else the way you wouldn't want others to treat you.
We're all people.

13.05.2020 - 12:57
作者: Tik-Tok, 13.05.2020 at 04:31

I decided to retrace your penumbras and emanations of text to fully understand the argument it consists of, if it consists of one at all. From what I found, I am able to conclude that your argument is lacking on all premises and that, additionally, you are coo coo for cocoa puffs.

Never in my life have I witnessed someone more obsessed with cocoa puffs than yourself. You should seriously rethink your priorities in life and undergo some type of dopamine detox in an effort to refrain from the consumption of this toxic material. Believe it or not, I am able to empathize, because I was once addicted to Captain Crunch. Unless you voluntarily submit yourself to external treatment, I know how difficult it is to overcome this addiction that really originates from the pressures of life. Going forward, whatever course of action you take, know that we are here for you and that we are always here for you.

Now, with respect to your argument, I will dispel the motives you assigned to me based on two key claims:

First of all, I am self-interested and, for this reason, I am not interested in financial well being of others, insofar as my individual decision-making is concerned. When the market was overextended, and when COVID-19 began to crop up, I decided to bet that the market would go down, and I adjusted accordingly. Today, I am betting that the market will drop again based on weaker lows, and I will adjust accordingly again. We are most likely going to be in a rolling bear market for several months, and I doubt we will see new lows in the near future, but they will eventually come. It is never a matter of what "I want," as you mentioned previously. My personal price targets are insignificant. The only thing that matters is what the market wants, and I have no control over the market.

Secondly, if I was able to "rev the market," I would not want to do so at an unnecessary expense, anyway. In policy making, priorities must be balanced, and to suggest that the economy should be torn to pieces in an effort to save one life is nonsensical. The purpose of slowing down the economy was not to stop the impact of COVID-19, but to slow its impact so that hospitals are not overloaded with too many patients at one time. As long as this objective is being met, then we are winning.

Beyond my motives, your call for a greater "public stimulus," "better wages," "hazard pay," debt relief," and "food packages" fails to consider the drawbacks associated with these policy objectives. First of all, the adoption of a public stimulus must be narrowly tailored to achieve an outcome consistent with the well being of individuals, which is chiefly dependent on the state of the economy. For this reason, proportionality must be addressed. This notion should apply to the other policy objectives you mentioned as well, including "better wages," which are actually very good depending on which consumer price index you use, and while considering the benefits that accumulate over time in addition to wages.

Stay safe.
Happiness = reality - expectations
30.05.2020 - 10:00
I think it's pretty much over here, no new cases in the last 6 days and I think there is only a few active cases left. We have also been back into ordinary life for a month now
Lest we forget
Moja Bosna Ponosna
23.08.2020 - 12:57
Some people watch TV or read news outlets for info, i wait couple of months for Tik-Tok posts. Better content.
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
23.08.2020 - 13:29
作者: Tik-Tok, 30.03.2020 at 13:15

Let's take a different approach: For years you've been telling us who is the enemy, what are the problems and so on. So now, for a change, tell us how would you solve it? (corona, financial crisis, migrants, middle east, venezuela/south america, china/dprk, russia, eu)

No conspiracy theories, no more history, just tell us what you think should be done from now on. Or you dont have solution, just pointing at problems?
If a game is around long enough, people will find the most efficient way to play it and start playing it like robots
23.08.2020 - 22:38
South america getting raped :c
29.08.2020 - 06:28
Turkmenistan is still Covid free guys!
29.08.2020 - 09:17
作者: sirivann, 23.08.2020 at 22:38

South america getting raped :c

06.10.2020 - 19:33
Everyone will get coronavirus sooner or later
07.10.2020 - 01:28
81,304 China 21.03.2020

91,082 China 7.10.2020

Fuck the CPP
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
07.10.2020 - 01:33
作者: avatar, 11.04.2020 at 16:23

Looks like this pandemia will lasting to December 2022

China will be first economy soon
China + Russia = Euroasia > rip eu nato usa

In the movies, its Americans who inevitably save our planet from destruction but this time
Only Tsar Putin can save us ......

He ain't helping Armenia and is too busy with fucking up the Ukraine and Belarus.
He'll do fooking nothin!
*War in Europe again isn't good for anyone... that's why the EU is an Absolute! Long Live The Forth Realm! Long Live Europe!*
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