19.10.2012 - 23:32
Something needs to be done about critical hits. Double damage is far to much added damage for a luck based mechanic like this, unless the crit chances were more like 1/1000. It has caused people to lose battles like 14 tanks to 8 infantry and 6 tanks to 4 infantry. If these were isolated incidents it would be fine, but these kinds of battles happen all the time, I get one of them in pretty much every game I am in. So what I suggest is any one of the following: Reduce Crit chance - Reduce it to sub 1% chances so it cannot activate 4 times in a row with a decent chance (currently is 1/625). Crit deals double the current roll, also reduce crit chance - Instead of dealing double the max attack of a unit, it deals double the current roll. So instead of dealing 8+3 it would deal 3+3. With 20% this is still too much, so reduce the chance to somewhere between 1%-5%, with the possibility for higher chances for crit based units. Crit adds fixed amount - Make it so crits add one or two extra damage, making it similar to arb but much simpler to understand. Remove Crit, keep ARB - This is my preference. ARB mechanic was fine as it was. Rarely would it mess up a small battle, but it became very important in large battles. The only problem with ARB was that it was difficult to see how much it effected battles. I suggest taking Mathdino's ARB analysis thread, taking out all the complex math and using that to explain ARB to new players in a new tutorial. Anyways whatever you do it must involve changing critical hits somehow. As it is small battles often are being lost where they shouldn't be. In cases where i can see a 20-30 stat difference the stronger stack loses. This should not be happening as often as it is now.
19.10.2012 - 23:41
This is my point of view: Keep Critical, change the default chances to 10%. the critical should make the units get a extra attack point or a extra defense point during the battle.
11.11.2012 - 03:43
Also, I think the population casualty mechanic is too strong as well... too many civs die in every battle
11.11.2012 - 05:10
I haven't noticed extreme casualties in small battles. And in big ones it's only natural to have a lot of civilian casualties.
11.11.2012 - 06:49
i havent looked it at loads, but noticed 10k dying from a 3 tank v 3 milita battle..
11.11.2012 - 10:24
Casualties are done in percentages, so it depends on the size of a city.
14.12.2012 - 21:33
Bumping for a change in collateral. i still think its too harsh at the mo, but on the ever end it doesnt allow for wiping out cities if you want to be able to make nukes that do that. also, if you nuke a city with nothing in it, the people dont die ![]()
15.12.2012 - 11:22
Haha I half agree with Mr. Hitler on collateral. Population damage is not to small though as you might think. Cities in AW have freaking HUGE populations and 3k people dying in a city like paris (50+ million population) has little to almost no effect on the city itself; hell, casualties of ONE MILLION would barely bring the income down and not even take away one reenforcement. If anything it needs to be buffed. Colateral for for custom units really does need to be up to 1000 though; would make nukes really fun in custom games (if you increased the max price above 999 so they are not OP)
---- You may not have heard of me yet. It doesn't matter; you will soon enough.
15.12.2012 - 13:16
Delhi was reduced by a reinforcement after one battle in a game I played. It should be nerfed.
15.12.2012 - 13:35
If there's an adjustment to be made, make it a minimal one. It'll avoid another possible unbalancement. Start small and work your way to perfection.
---- Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
15.12.2012 - 13:38
Probably should repeat that we're talking about collateral damage, not critical hits as the title says. generally i agree with you top hats, then again im not sure collateral damage is too crucial a statistic, unless its too OP, which I think it is atm.