07.03.2013 - 07:57
I address this message to any romanian players out here who can give me a hand in translating the game in our native language. I have already started, but I have limited time and also my laptop is not working so I use someone else's at the moment. Everything is needed to know is found here: http://atwar-game.com/forum/topic.php?topic_id=7203 Any help would be appreciated. Also, to the rest of the players, I am curious how do you translate Marines in your own languages. In romanian the only viable pick would be Marinari, but it sounds odd, meaning more like Sailors in English.
07.03.2013 - 10:36
What you said Malice means Navy - I'm not advanced in English but still I can do better than google translate. I'll translate them as Marini then. We have the word Marin, as for something related to water ( submarin, mamifer marin as submarine and marine mammal) and I'll add an i which is the equivalent of s in english. probably no romanian will have troubles in understanding what's all about.