• Games are automatically saved - so even if the server restarts, you can return back to your old game safely! This also opens future opportunities to save/load games manually and to create scenarios.

  • User stats menu, in which you can see the stats for all units in the game, with current Strategy modifiers.

  • New top toolbar menu - we had to place additional buttons there, and keeping the labels proved impossible. Hopefully you still find it easy to use - plus, Surrender and Exit buttons are easier to access now.

  • Allied players can now transfer cash to each other (through the Players menu). Transferring troops is currently on hold, until we figure how to avoid its abuse.

  • Game 'ownership' is now passed automatically if the game creator is no longer playing.

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    Afterwind has finally been officially released, but that in no way means that we're done with it. A lot of exciting things are waiting for their time - many smaller ones you will see online very soon, other bigger ideas will have to wait for the next version of the game. Here are a few things that we'll definitely be working on:

    Missions will be a way to make some extra money, or get additional units (perhaps rare ones?) or speed up your research. They will involve, for example, capturing and holding a country or a city, or arriving first to a certain point. After fulfilling the conditions you will get some reward. Missions should make playing the game more interesting, with additional goals and clashes for important territories.

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    So, the game is finally ready for a test run! Join us for these three nights: October 6-8, after 18:00 GMT. Feel free to use the forum for feedback and bug reports. Thanks!

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    Glorious moment, the game is finally online and available for a test run. At the moment we're just inviting friends and testing the performance, the public launch is scheduled for autumn.

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