Cool, now crossing the oceans as America only has two options
A. Build a fleet big enough to withstand 5 turns of bomber attacks.
B. Stealth.
I think because of this, fighters need to be a standard item, with the capacity to D-Line.
I like that
Now the turn blocking is not that important to win anymore.
So you can concentrate more on the game and your moves instead of turnblocking all time.
You guys need to remove Flower wall from the beginners guide
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
You guys need to remove Flower wall from the beginners guide
Thx for the reminder. The guide has been updated.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
I do not appreciate this so called update.
Contrary to the popular belief stated in Safari's post, my opinion always was that turnblocking forces players to concentrate even more on their moves and think more strategic.
Then the so called wallf*cks were introduced, which already were a huge change and directly affected turnblocking. I know the less experienced players as well as the worse part of the higher ranks will like this update, since now the gameplay is only based on spamming units and who has the best expansion, without the need of thinking how to protect one's stacks.
tl;dr: This is not only the worst update so far, I would rather call it a downgrade.
You now can neither wall your enemies big stacks, nor can you delay their movement with turnblocks.
Is Afterwind intended to be a strategy game or a spam-and-move-fest? This change was probably the worst thing you could do to your game, so I really hope you will change your mind and undo this impertinence toward every halfway decent player of this game.
This change will harm the game,as well as tactics..so,now if a player gets 50 units in 3 turns he wins  ..it would be better to return the old school one,cuz there should be a chance for players with less troops to fight of the invaders stopping them and buying time..with this change there is no need to wall stacks,flower them or defend by any manner..im for returning the other style and i think that many players support me as well...
"There is a hero in all of us"

作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 05:34
0/5 seirously,now SM players will dominate everything.
I am fine with this xaxaxaxaxaxax.
No really, the skill ceiling for this game just collapsed.
EDIT: In the middle of a tourney no less.
作者: Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36
Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 05:03
Do not appreciate this so called update.
Contrary to the popular belief stated in Safari's post, my opinion always was that turnblocking forces players to concentrate even more on their moves and think more strategic.
Then the so called wallf*cks were introduced, which already were a huge change and directly affected turnblocking. I know the less experienced players as well as the worse part of the higher ranks will like this update, since now the gameplay is only based on spamming units and who has the best expansion, without the need of thinking how to protect one's stacks.
tl;dr: This is not only the worst update so far, I would rather call it a downgrade.
You now can neither wall your enemies big stacks, nor can you delay their movement with turnblocks.
Is Afterwind intended to be a strategy game or a spam-and-move-fest? This change was one of the worst thing you could do to your game, so I really hope you will change your mind and undo this impertinence toward every halfway decent player of this game.
just imagine latejoiners now
"There is a hero in all of us"

作者: deviL, 25.04.2012 at 06:13
just imagine latejoiners now 
It's a shame. I can't believe this was really implemented.
Relax guys, it's not carved in stone, we'll just need to do some tweaking, as with all the other important updates.
"There is a hero in all of us"

作者: Amok, 25.04.2012 at 06:16
Relax guys, it's not carved in stone, we'll just need to do some tweaking, as with all the other important updates.
I see your point Amok. The problem is just that it is so obvious and was stated many times that removing/changing the turnblock-mechanics in the way you did now has overwhelming negative side-effects on the gameplay. I took part in every discussion about this topic and it was exposed that the people who complained about the turnblock-mechanics were mostly inexperienced players.
So of course there is a need to make this people aware of the possibility and the benefits of turnblocks, but to change the mechanics isn't the right way, for the reasons mentioned multiple times in all of the threads about this topic.
Didn't play for more then a month and come back to critisise the current system. Deja vu.
OT: This update will be a great improvement. I remember the times where there was no turnblocking at all, and it worked perfectly and was a lot strategy after all. You can still block now, if you have at least 50% of the units. Also it is still able to wall up yourself and your enemy, unlike what is being said here.
I agree it will change the whole current AW system with strategies, but its a good change. The only critisism that you can have iom, is that some strategies might become OP. But we have to check that in practice and we can change it when we notice it is OP.
Just try it, then give your opinion.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
Didn't play for more then a month and come back to critisise the current system. Deja vu.
There was no change in the last month. So as one of the most experienced players in this game I don't see how taking a break makes me unable to state a valuable opinion.
PS: You should check the difference between then and than.
This update will be a great improvement. I remember the times where there was no turnblocking at all, and it worked perfectly and was a lot strategy after all.
This was a long time ago when even the highest ranks of nowadays were still inexperienced, of course you would think it was a lot of strategy when you were new to the game.
You can still block now, if you have at least 50% of the units. Also it is still able to wall up yourself and your enemy, unlike what is being said here.
It was spoken of walling stacks, not cities. At least read the posts before you answer.
Lets say you got an IF player at your tail rushing at your cap..you can even start as turkey IF against ukraine and dont need to buy any units just transports and the job will be done -.-"
"There is a hero in all of us"

•It's now possible to walk through all units, unless they are part of a defence line. This was implemented to prevent an exploit.
That sounds good to me.
Turnblocking with 50% of the Troops seems to be useless, when there are 50 Tanks/Bombers whatever rushing to me, 26 Inf are better in my City then wasted in a Turnblock try.
But lets try, perhaps it is better then it seems to be
Results of this upgrade:
- wallglitch still possible
- no more winning 1vs5 in world games
- no more bomber wall
- no more 'hard to master' gameplay
- passing through enemy cities
- implemented during tournament
- buff for rushing strategies
- buff for mass unit strategies
- buff for noobs
Player skill now consists of expansion algorithm in the first place.
Where is the challenge?? We might play against an AI aswell
because games will all get more and more alike. Didnt you see that
I like the change. Never got into turn blocking, as it's a faggy thing to do.
I like the change. Never got into turn blocking, as it's a faggy thing to do.
Not everything you do not understand/are not skilled enough to handle is faggy by implication. This is Stone Age man thinking.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 07:08
Not everything you don't understand/can't handle is faggy by implication. This is Stone Age man thinking.
But I do understand and handle it. I just don't do it myself. Because turn blocking is not about strategy, at least for me. It's about being lucky, a thing I always hated in competitve games. It actually takes the skill out of them. But that's just me, as I can see in this thread most seem to think the other way. I hope having an opinion is not Stone Age thinking.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 07:08
Not everything you don't understand/can't handle is faggy by implication. This is Stone Age man thinking.
But I do understand and handle it. I just don't do it myself. Because turn blocking is not about strategy, at least for me. It's about being lucky, a thing I always hated in competitve games. It actually takes the skill out of them. But that's just me, as I can see in this thread most seem to think the other way. I hope having an opinion is not Stone Age thinking.
It's exactly this opinion what I've talked about earlier though. Of course a random factor introduces luck and therefor takes skill out first of all, but if you consider the interplay of factors who constitute the game-mechanics turnblocks cause the exact opposite, since caring about the protection of huge stacks instead of just spaming-and-moving inevitably requires more skill.
Desu 发表: 898 从:: Canada
Yes, just did a world game and it's just spam. All I needed to do was unite rich countries for enough money to spam, auto-produced, and moved them to my enemies capital.
As Barrymore said, the skill ceiling for this game just collapsed. Like 10 fold.
Let's first see how will this work in the next few weeks and then decide about it.
This could only be interpreted as an improvement for those who do not block and do not protect their stacks from blocking. The defensive need to block and the offensive need to defend your stacks is what seperated this game from many others and added more depth to it than Risk or Civilization ever had. I'm struggling to see how lobotomising gameplay is an improvement.
I'm happy to try this out and I'm sure this won't be the end of the game and all good players will find a way to adapt. But a reduction in complexity cannot be seen as a good thing for high level play.
作者: Amok, 29.04.2012 at 08:36
Gardevoir, your obnoxiousness really baffles me sometimes...just leave for good already or stop whining.
Let's first see how will this work in the next few weeks and then decide about it.
I know that you always hold this opinion concerning much debated updates, but in this case I think it's the wrong thing to do. Since for obvious reasons new players, who make up the biggest part of the community will appreciate this update.
It should be 10%
1-14 units 1 to block (round up decimal when it gets to .5) 14/100 *10 = 1.4, 15/100*10 = 1.5
15-24 2 units
25-34 3 units
35-44 4 units
45-55 5 units
etc etc
i think this will nerf turnblocking, but still possibly make it plauseable for smaller stack
still blocking an extra ten units, it's going to cost 160 more, every ten units, so you will have to be careful
It should be 10%
1-14 units 1 to block (round up decimal when it gets to .5) 14/100 *10 = 1.4, 15/100*10 = 1.5
15-24 2 units
25-34 3 units
35-44 4 units
45-55 5 units
etc etc
i think this will nerf turnblocking, but still possibly make it plauseable for smaller stack
still blocking an extra ten units, it's going to cost 160 more, every ten units, so you will have to be careful
One shouldn't nerf a mechanic just for nerfs sake.
But even though I don't see the point of this it would still be better than the current state.
Atleast get rid of the part that lets us walk through enemies. I mean really?
Since when in the history of ever has any squad of troops been able to walk just through another enemy's squad and not get shot at?
~Somewhere in the distance an eagle shrieked as it rode an American buffalo to an apple-pie-eating contest at a baseball field.~
Atleast get rid of the part that lets us walk through enemies. I mean really?
Since when in the history of ever has any squad of troops been able to walk just through another enemy's squad and not get shot at?
This is a necessary change because it prevents a lame unbreakable wall. You can still wall up normally though, with 3 units and then 'none shall pass'.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 07:56
It should be 10%
1-14 units 1 to block (round up decimal when it gets to .5) 14/100 *10 = 1.4, 15/100*10 = 1.5
15-24 2 units
25-34 3 units
35-44 4 units
45-55 5 units
etc etc
i think this will nerf turnblocking, but still possibly make it plauseable for smaller stack
still blocking an extra ten units, it's going to cost 160 more, every ten units, so you will have to be careful
One shouldn't nerf a mechanic just for nerfs sake.
But even though I don't see the point of this it would still be better than the current state.
It would make blocking on a small scale still useable upto 30 units, but for bigger stacks you will have to think, is it worth it
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 07:56
It should be 10%
1-14 units 1 to block (round up decimal when it gets to .5) 14/100 *10 = 1.4, 15/100*10 = 1.5
15-24 2 units
25-34 3 units
35-44 4 units
45-55 5 units
etc etc
i think this will nerf turnblocking, but still possibly make it plauseable for smaller stack
still blocking an extra ten units, it's going to cost 160 more, every ten units, so you will have to be careful
One shouldn't nerf a mechanic just for nerfs sake.
But even though I don't see the point of this it would still be better than the current state.
It would make blocking on a small scale still useable upto 30 units, but for bigger stacks you will have to think, is it worth it
Well this doesn't make it better. As already mentioned especially the possibility of unprotected uber-stacks being blocked easily forces the owner to think about other ways of transport/stacking. Creating huge stacks should always be a risk.
Funny fact 1: A player who gets attacked by a big stack has now to waste all his units on this stack, while he can't block and expand anymore.
Funny fact 2: Latejoiners can just stack all their units and move it straight into one's capital, without having to fear any delay.
I totally see how this makes the game more strategic.
True, if you don't want to be turnblocked, wall it, wall all your cities, this will remove a large portion of the games skill
I feel like Barrymore said i beautifully "I'm struggling to see how lobotomising gameplay is an improvement." I do agree with trying it out, but it's just another way of making the game more noob friendly.. It wouldn't be the first time anyways this is why games like RISK and Civilization are so popular. (there is a reason i don't play those games)
My opinion right now is that you shouldn't be able to walk through enemies. Also If you want to make turn blocking harder loli's suggestion is a reasonable compromise. I guess we will all just have to see how it plays, after all this is how improvements are made and I do support it!
Like I said try it out, but please don't sacrifice what the game is just to make it more popular.
asleep for now zzz
Atleast get rid of the part that lets us walk through enemies. I mean really?
Since when in the history of ever has any squad of troops been able to walk just through another enemy's squad and not get shot at?
This is a necessary change because it prevents a lame unbreakable wall. You can still wall up normally though, with 3 units and then 'none shall pass'.
I flowered every city I captured because of the risk of having a stealthed unit nearby and wallfucking my city. Now that just went to hell. And as everyone said, the skill ceiling just collapsed. I do not support this.
作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 
[...] but please don't sacrifice what the game is just to make it more popular.
This is exactly what happens now though. I never read that one of the good players was complaining about turnblocks, since those players understand what it is for and how one needs to spend a bigger amount of brain-work to play successfully, while it keeps away the people who aren't able to think strategically.
Funny fact 3: The introduction of wallf*cks caused that city-walls can be prevented by placing units near them, with the side-effect that it became harder to create unblockable stacks via walling them and recreating the wall with units from the stack. This update gives unblockable mega-stacks for free, while walling cities can still easily be averted. Great progress.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 08:46
Funny fact 3: The introduction of wallf*cks caused that city-walls can be prevented by placing units near them
Talking about skill. If you always do the same, predictable moves. Yes, you can be wallfucked. That is exactly something that is what is so nice of this change. You can't play predictable.
Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.
作者: Guest, 25.04.2012 at 08:46
Funny fact 3: The introduction of wallf*cks caused that city-walls can be prevented by placing units near them
Talking about skill. If you always do the same, predictable moves. Yes, you can be wallfucked. That is exactly something that is what is so nice of this change. You can't play predictable.
Yeah I see your point. Drag and drop totally forces me to play less predictable.
Wallf*cks may force one to don't do the same expanding-routine over and over again, but absolutely not this new change here.
I guess you want to give me an example of how the impossibility of blocking a stack causes a less predictable gameplay? Since I don't see the slightest relation at all.
AlexMeza 账户已删除 |
I think this fucked up the game.. ;_;
It has, greatly. Also Hugosch I don't see a problem with Cow coming back and critiquing the new features. It's not like he lost a month worth of debating on whether to implement this function.
And bomber wall was a way to protect your stack when crossing the Atlantic or Pacific, or other long distances, and now there's no way to protect them. If you're going to really remove it, please add Defense Lines for bombers.
Thank you.
作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30
I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did. 
AlexMeza 账户已删除 |
"Turn blocking now only works if you have more than 50% the amount of units of your opponent (whom you're trying to block). Blocking huge stacks with 1 unit will no longer work."
What would happen if the stack has an odd number?
>Says *more than 50%
Stack of 19.
There would need to be a minimum of 10 troops. Since it's impossible to get a stack of 9.5, you simply round up.
It is predictable that all the players who exploit every advantage that this update defeats are the ones complaining.
In my opinion, that demonstrates both the appropriateness and necessity of this update. Well done Amok, and don't listen to a few vocal nay sayers.
It is predictable that all the players who exploit every advantage that this update defeats are the ones complaining.
In my opinion, that demonstrates both the appropriateness and necessity of this update. Well done Amok, and don't listen to a few vocal nay sayers.
I'm not sure if I got you right, so you think using turnblocks is an exploit? Or are you refering to the so called flower-glitch, which should be impossible to do now?
There is a huge difference beween pointing out why a specific game-mechanic has a positive influence on the gameplay and defeating an exploit. Since we got two separate changes in one update here, I think there is a need to differentiate.
Cool, now crossing the oceans as America only has two options
A. Build a fleet big enough to withstand 5 turns of bomber attacks.
B. Stealth.
I think because of this, fighters need to be a standard item, with the capacity to D-Line.
You can wall with destroyers already.
Honestly- this needs to be an option. I like turnblocking, as it adds a variable to combat, but make it turned off by default (turnblocking turned off, that is). Overall, this update is good for those who don't like turnblocking, but if this will not be an option, you can consider the top 10 players to change very soon, as I know a few who use turnblocking extensively to always win.
Well i suppose i will play Medieval Total War or something like that,then playing AW when the gamestyle is almost the same,there isnt thinking now just brute force of cash and reinforcement..The only strategy would be "hey i should walk through enemy territory to the cap with 500 units"..So i think that i will have to quit playing AW
"There is a hero in all of us"

=D Finaly took long enough =D!!!! <3
Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
Even these guys who are saying its cool,its fine they will get bored and leave AW as well  ..the joy of playing will dissapear,you will not need a brain to play just click autoproduce come back after 20 mins and send all the hell of units to win( like phisical work moving troops lol)
"There is a hero in all of us"
