After the release of the Custom maps alpha there's been all sorts of rumors about the future of the game, including various doom and gloom scenarios. Well, now we can finally set all these matters straight.

On the 1st of December we're planning to merge the two separate games we currently have (the old game + Alpha). This is when the hard work some of you put into making custom maps will finally pay off (as people will actually start playing them!)

As part of the process:

  • All existing custom maps will be kept intact.
  • SP and stats from the Alpha will be added to your SP and stats in the old game.
  • Upgrades will be reset (with SP refunded).
  • All players will have access to the game. As in the old version, some features will be Premium-only.
  • All Premium packs will remain, with a few (small) changes. Scenarios pack will be used for custom maps, as well as for scenarios.
  • Basically, things will continue as with a regular update, so DON'T PANIC!

    We want to ensure a smooth transition, so if you have any concerns, let us know and we will do our best to address them.


    We also decided to to a bit of re-branding, changing the game name to atWar. For a transitional period, the name "Afterwind" will be kept as as subtitle ("atWar: Afterwind"). Here's the new logo:

    The reason for the change is that 'afterwind', while being a cool word, has a very obscure meaning, and is not descriptive enough. We feel that atWar sounds more appropriate for a definitive strategy game we are building here.
    The website will be accessible from both and

    EDIT: I guess I need to explain our reasoning a bit more.

    Why we feel "Afterwind" is not a very good name:
    The meaning is so obscure that only those who already play the game know it (even then, probably only the hardcore 10% or so). This means if you encounter it browsing the internet, it tells you absolutely nothing about what kind of game this is. Besides, the 'nuke' thing is not so relevant anymore, with the new focus on custom maps and the blend of all places and ages.

    Why we feel "atWar" is a good name:
    It's short, it's straight to the point and it's very descriptive. A lot of people here mentioned that it's generic, but that's kind of what we were going for - not generic, but definitive name, a go-to game when it comes to strategy games. It's generic in the same way "Star Wars" is generic - it's supposed to embody the entire genre. At least, that's where our ambitions are.

  •   |


    留言: 72   谁浏览过: 495 users
    02.11.2012 - 13:03
    Wow new name .
    02.11.2012 - 13:07
    AtWar sounds cool and when we say 'AW' its still correct.
    Im really looking forward to the merge its such a big step.
    02.11.2012 - 13:11
    Can't wait for it. then we can finally play more games in alpha.

    btw. will there then be custom maps for Europe, Europe + ,... (the default map is just just the world map)

    02.11.2012 - 13:12
    Fuck Yeah . i like the name but , it will be only name for the alfa game or for whole afterwin?

    02.11.2012 - 13:13
    02.11.2012 - 13:14
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: Covid19, 02.11.2012 at 13:12

    Fuck Yeah . i like the name but , it will be only name for the alfa game or for whole afterwin?

    There's only one game, dude
    02.11.2012 - 13:17
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: Safari, 02.11.2012 at 13:11

    Can't wait for it. then we can finally play more games in alpha.

    btw. will there then be custom maps for Europe, Europe + ,... (the default map is just just the world map)

    It will all be controlled by presets. You know how you could create a scenario and only toggle countries on/off? This is how map presets will work now - so for all maps you will be able to create multiple presets (playable areas), using the scenarios module. This will be a lot more flexible than old presets that only we could create.
    02.11.2012 - 13:18
    So what happened to beta for custom maps?

    Now we have to add all the new suggestions as features within a month....

    Besides, what about SP used for coalitions?

    Thanks, ezzatam
    02.11.2012 - 13:21
    作者: Ivan, 02.11.2012 at 13:14

    作者: Covid19, 02.11.2012 at 13:12

    Fuck Yeah . i like the name but , it will be only name for the alfa game or for whole afterwin?

    There's only one game, dude

    oh good , btw great job

    02.11.2012 - 13:26
    Thx for that amazing news
    "War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means."
    ― Carl von Clausewitz
    02.11.2012 - 13:40
    I like it all very much but I prefer the old name, also is it necessary to have the url as atwar"-game".com, I believe it would look nicer without -game.
    02.11.2012 - 13:45
    I don't like AtWar. It's harder to pronounce whereas Afterwind just flows out. It's no wonder Google became a verb when Yahoo didn't. ;_; Up to you though, I guess. And it's good to separate old AW from new AW (the initialism remains the same, though).

    Since I have the opportunity, it's feature request time! Could you please make the 'Ready' state a toggle-able action? That is, in the game lobby, when you click ready, you see a Ready next to your name, as you'd expect... however, you should be able to uncheck the ready state, like in most multiplayer strategy games.
    Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
    02.11.2012 - 13:47
    I...feel a little dead inside. Everything in this update in amazing...but the name "Afterwind" always stood out and made this game unique to me. It truly made this game "top-tier" compared to all the other browser games, simply because it was artistic, described the game perfectly, and brought so many different cultures and so many minds together under one recognizable name. I absolutely hate the name "AtWar", and I will never, ever call this game it. I applaud the merger, and I applaud the stats, but I would be caught dead calling this game something so cliché. i'm sorry Admins, but my opinion on the name will never, ever change.

    9.5/10 News post.
    02.11.2012 - 14:25
    Yeah i much preferred Afterwind... especially if you're wanting to bring nukes more into the game.. can't remember if that's the case or not. AtWar sounds much more middle of the road. Are you dead set on this?
    02.11.2012 - 14:32
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 13:47

    I...feel a little dead inside.

    Overreacting as usual, eh? I know many of you are very attached to the old name, which is understandable. I'm pretty sure the situation would've been identical if the game had been called 'AtWar' from the start and we decided to change it to 'Afterwind'. Gardevoir most probably would've been the first to declare that he's "dead inside" because of the change
    02.11.2012 - 14:41
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: Aristosseur, 02.11.2012 at 13:40

    I like it all very much but I prefer the old name, also is it necessary to have the url as atwar"-game".com, I believe it would look nicer without -game.

    Yes, would have been totally neat, if wasn't costing 3000 USD
    02.11.2012 - 14:42
    I'm sure you already bought the domain and set it up and what not so I won't complain about the -game part or ask for you to change it back since it would be a pain, but for what it's worth I think you made a mistake with changing the name just because you have been established as Afterwind and it's already been something like 2 years. Also I think using the name to describe the game comes off a little generic, It's always better to let the genre describe it for you.

    Anyway so long as you keep linked to it there wouldn't be a problem with returning players trying to find the url and overall we'll get used to it I suppose.
    作者: Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
    Fruit's theory is correct
    作者: tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
    Fruit is right

    02.11.2012 - 14:44
    I was going to reply but then I started laughing of Gardevoir.

    Regarding the name - yes I'm attached to it, in fact I really like its "uniqueness", AtWar sounds a bit cliche. But I'm not going to die because of it and if it's the best course of action I trust you guys.

    Now December can't come fast enough
    作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

    I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
    02.11.2012 - 14:45
    作者: Ivan, 02.11.2012 at 14:41

    作者: Aristosseur, 02.11.2012 at 13:40

    I like it all very much but I prefer the old name, also is it necessary to have the url as atwar"-game".com, I believe it would look nicer without -game.

    Yes, would have been totally neat, if wasn't costing 3000 USD

    oh god i just googled "atwar" and a support for Charles Manson site came up

    EDIT: in honor of the name change, I present to you Atwar's new logos

    作者: Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
    Fruit's theory is correct
    作者: tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
    Fruit is right

    02.11.2012 - 14:53
    作者: Ivan, 02.11.2012 at 14:32

    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 13:47

    I...feel a little dead inside.

    Overreacting as usual, eh? I know many of you are very attached to the old name, which is understandable. I'm pretty sure the situation would've been identical if the game had been called 'AtWar' from the start and we decided to change it to 'Afterwind'. Gardevoir most probably would've been the first to declare that he's "dead inside" because of the change

    Dead inside, really? A little exaggerated. Afterwind is definitely and for me the better name in terms of uniqueness. However, with the recent custom maps update the game now orbits around various games types, including diverse themes. Therefore, the admins had to change it for it to apply on all themes the game strives on.

    Now for suggestions, I recommend removing Afterwind completely from the logo. It will disorient the newcomers in the future. Thus, our community is small enough to adapt to the change in spite of that.
    Don't trust the manipulative rabbit.
    02.11.2012 - 14:57
    Good news, I feel enthusiastic about the game's future after all the recent updates and news.
    However, I have to agree with some members that Afterwind indeed sounds better than AtWar. Afterwind has some sort of uniqueness and it's really easy to pronounce while AtWar seems like some generic name for a low tier war game. But, I guess I will get used to it.
    02.11.2012 - 15:10
    作者: Ivan, 02.11.2012 at 14:32

    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 13:47

    I...feel a little dead inside.

    Overreacting as usual, eh? I know many of you are very attached to the old name, which is understandable. I'm pretty sure the situation would've been identical if the game had been called 'AtWar' from the start and we decided to change it to 'Afterwind'. Gardevoir most probably would've been the first to declare that he's "dead inside" because of the change

    If you wish to not read my overly-long ramble, there's a tl;dr at the bottom.

    Let's take a look. Many of the most successful and beloved franchises and companies have taken an obscure word, and given it new meaning- Google, Halo, Wiki. Many of the other, most successful and beloved franchises have taken direct cliché quotes and given them the same meaning as previously understood- Call of Duty, Internet Explorer, you get the picture. In the latter statement, these companies/IPs are widely regarded as "For the money", or "Un-innovative", though, this is not always the case, as is the former statement. I find the name "Afterwind" to be a re-defining name for this browser game, as it takes an obscure word, and sheds new light on it; it gives it new meaning. "Afterwind" is a perfect term for a Post-War strategy game, set in a crumbling world, as the original story told. One could go deep into the meaning of this game. Though false, it would shed lore and new ideals in the game and beyond. "AtWar" seems lazy, and in my opinion, obscure itself. Am I *always* at war in this game? Am I to assume this game focuses directly on Warfare, and not economics or psychology? Was a "re-branding" even necessary? Were you attempting to draw a particular crowd with this name? Was it to be edgy, or the "same" as every other strategy game? A name is to tell the reader just what something is, in a summarization of the subject, while retaining either an informative, or poetic manner. In Afterwind's case, the name was sheer perfection. "Afterwind: Wind currents set up in the vicinity of a nuclear explosion directed toward the burst center, resulting from the updraft accompanying the rise of the fireball", the summarization of War after Downfall directed at Enemies/Oppressors caused by Conflict towards one another, resulting in Total Annihilation, Capture of your target, or Dominance of your enemies: Afterwind. "AtWar" loses "Afterwind's" new informative and powerful meaning. It's similar to changing "Carpe Diem" to "Take the initiative: It's overly informative on one aspect of the subject, and does not provide the reader with wonder or questions, two things that lead to them clicking on the game and seeing what it is. "Afterwind, it's an in-browser strategy game set in a post-downfall world where you conflict with other players to seize whatever the task at hand is". That's telling the user the name bluntly, but the user still questions the name "Afterwind", which leads to invoked feelings of wonder, as previously stated. Around the time I first discovered Afterwind, there were two other games that caught my eye: Supremacy 1914, and Command & Conquer. I chose Afterwind because I had no idea what the hell the name meant, as I had nothing to relate it to, just the same as when Halo was announced/released in November 2001 and people questioned how the name correlated to the game; it didn't, at first. But after immense pop re-definition, it was mainly related to the game, and not the item, just as I relate "Afterwind" to this game, and not to Nuclear updraft, yet both are so similar, just as Google and Googleplex are.

    tl;dr, the name "Afterwind" retains more meaning to me as it re-defines a term nobody knew about, and gives us a direct relation, rather than a similar one. "Google = Search Engine, rather than high number. Halo = Game/Ringworld, rather than mystical item". Afterwind = Strategy game, rather than Nuclear updraft. "AtWar" doesn't have this in most regards, it bluntly puts forth what the game is, rather than letting the reader decide what it is. I do believe I overreacted at the name "AtWar", but if you get my point, you may understand why I truly believe "Afterwind" is a better title than "AtWar", at least make the name more original and a little open for the user, not such a bold name without much meaning to behold.
    02.11.2012 - 15:12
    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 13:47

    Let's talk a look.

    stopped reading here
    作者: Amok, 31.08.2012 at 03:10
    Fruit's theory is correct
    作者: tophat, 30.08.2012 at 21:04
    Fruit is right

    02.11.2012 - 15:19
    02.11.2012 - 15:42


    I prefer the name Afterwind to AtWar, but if you guys want to change it that is fine too. Although it would sound much better if the name was 'Afterwind: AtWar', although that kinda makes the AtWar part unnecessary.
    02.11.2012 - 15:44
     Ivan (管理员)
    I guess I need to explain our reasoning a bit more.

    Why we feel "Afterwind" is not a very good name:
    The meaning is so obscure that only those who already play the game know it (even then, probably only the hardcore 10% or so). This means if you encounter it browsing the internet, it tells you absolutely nothing about what kind of game this is. Besides, the 'nuke' thing is not so relevant anymore, with the new focus on custom maps and the blend of all places and ages.

    Why we feel "AtWar" is a good name:
    It's short, it's straight to the point and it's very descriptive. A lot of people here mentioned that it's generic, but that's kind of what we were going for - not generic, but definitive name, a go-to game when it comes to strategy games. It's generic in the same way "Star Wars" is generic - it's supposed to embody the entire genre. At least, that's where our ambitions are.
    02.11.2012 - 16:06
    作者: Ivan, 02.11.2012 at 15:44

    I guess I need to explain our reasoning a bit more.

    Why we feel "Afterwind" is not a very good name:
    The meaning is so obscure that only those who already play the game know it (even then, probably only the hardcore 10% or so). This means if you encounter it browsing the internet, it tells you absolutely nothing about what kind of game this is. Besides, the 'nuke' thing is not so relevant anymore, with the new focus on custom maps and the blend of all places and ages.

    Why we feel "AtWar" is a good name:
    It's short, it's straight to the point and it's very descriptive. A lot of people here mentioned that it's generic, but that's kind of what we were going for - not generic, but definitive name, a go-to game when it comes to strategy games. It's generic in the same way "Star Wars" is generic - it's supposed to embody the entire genre. At least, that's where our ambitions are.

    I realize this, and I applaud you taking the time to do so, but I still find it overly-generic in a definitive environment. maybe it's just my personal OCD preferences kicking in, but I just find "AtWar" to not embody this game fully; it seems generalized. With my own personal opinions aside, I find the name as a well fit for a generalized definitive brand, though I feel that it could have been executed better. I remember someone saying you originally wanted to make this game's main language Latin (I assume jokingly, lol), why not make a the name a well-know Latin term, a household one perhaps? That probably seems as an idiotic suggestion, but I'm just putting it out there. I wish Afterwind a positive future as I always have, but I simply do not prefer "AtWar"- it just doesn't seem as a good fit for a game such as this, even though it has lost most of it's original ideals that didn't mean much in the first place. If anything, keep "Afterwind" as "AtWar's" subtitle as a release name, to describe this release of the game, unless the game is fully converting to Sandbox-Competitive as it seems, which seems like a good idea on paper, but not so good in the long run. If you plan on keeping the Sandbox-Competitive style that the new game beckons, will you and Amok continue to bring new, innovative updates to the game? Or will they all be based on Ranking, Revisions, and Calculations, i.e. "Competitive" updates? Either way, just do the best you can with the naming, while retaining originality and wonder.

    Also, what will happen to the "Afterwind" name? Will you completely drop it, or use it for something else?
    02.11.2012 - 16:07
    I like the new name,
    People that complain are just the minority (high ranks).
    02.11.2012 - 18:10
    Ι'd јuѕt lіkе tο іntеrјесt fοr а mοmеnt. Wһаt уοu'rе rеfеrrіng tο аѕ AtWar, іѕ іn fасt, Afterwind/AtWar, οr аѕ Ι'vе rесеntlу tаkеn tο саllіng іt, Afterwind рluѕ AtWar. Afterwind іѕ nοt аn game untο іtѕеlf, but a distinguished сοmрοnеnt οf the AtWar game engine mаdе uѕеful bу tһe Silverlight Framework сοmрrіѕіng а full game architecture as defined by Ivan.

    Mаnу 14-year olds play а mοdіfіеd vеrѕіοn οf AtWar еvеrу dау, wіtһοut rеаlіzіng іt. Τһrοugһ а ресulіаr turn οf еvеntѕ, tһе vеrѕіοn οf AtWar wһісһ іѕ wіdеlу played tοdау іѕ οftеn саllеd "Afterwind", аnd mаnу οf іtѕ uѕеrѕ аrе nοt аwаrе tһаt іt іѕ bаѕісаllу tһе AtWar ѕуѕtеm, dеvеlοреd bу the AW Team.

    Τһеrе rеаllу іѕ аn Afterwind, аnd tһеѕе реοрlе аrе playing іt, but іt іѕ јuѕt а раrt οf tһе game tһеу play. Afterwind іѕ tһе content: tһе part of the game that . Τһе content іѕ аn еѕѕеntіаl раrt οf game, but uѕеlеѕѕ bу іtѕеlf; іt саn οnlу funсtіοn іn tһе сοntеxt οf а сοmрlеtе game. Afterwind іѕ nοrmаllу uѕеd іn сοmbіnаtіοn wіtһ tһе AtWar game engine: tһе wһοlе game іѕ bаѕісаllу Afterwind wіtһ AtWar аddеd, οr Afterwind/AtWar. Tһе ѕο-саllеd "Afterwind" is rеаllу a dіѕtrіbutіοn οf Afterwind/AtWar.

    Original (from a speech by RMS, now a meme):
    Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
    02.11.2012 - 18:23
    Afterwind sounds really cool, but im agree with that is not a good name for this game.
    But AtWar...
    It sounds too cheap...
    Both of the names just DONT DESCRIBE what is this game, "Afterwind" is unique, one of the best strategies games that i played (i dont play good at all but i like it anyway), This is a war game, but is not just a war game.
    Is a game where that have interaction with other persons, this game ends most of the times with an alliance.
    "Alliance" still being a cheap name, but describes better than "AtWar" this game.

    Possibilities of this games are practically infinite, with the correct persons this can be a perfect role-play game.
    I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

    "I... Feel a little dead inside"
    02.11.2012 - 18:49
    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 15:10

    tl;dr, the name "Afterwind" retains more meaning to me as it re-defines a term nobody knew about, and gives us a direct relation, rather than a similar one. "Google = Search Engine, rather than high number. Halo = Game/Ringworld, rather than mystical item". Afterwind = Strategy game, rather than Nuclear updraft. "AtWar" doesn't have this in most regards, it bluntly puts forth what the game is, rather than letting the reader decide what it is. I do believe I overreacted at the name "AtWar", but if you get my point, you may understand why I truly believe "Afterwind" is a better title than "AtWar", at least make the name more original and a little open for the user, not such a bold name without much meaning to behold.

    02.11.2012 - 18:52
    作者: Cherse, 02.11.2012 at 18:49

    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 15:10

    tl;dr, the name "Afterwind" retains more meaning to me as it re-defines a term nobody knew about, and gives us a direct relation, rather than a similar one. "Google = Search Engine, rather than high number. Halo = Game/Ringworld, rather than mystical item". Afterwind = Strategy game, rather than Nuclear updraft. "AtWar" doesn't have this in most regards, it bluntly puts forth what the game is, rather than letting the reader decide what it is. I do believe I overreacted at the name "AtWar", but if you get my point, you may understand why I truly believe "Afterwind" is a better title than "AtWar", at least make the name more original and a little open for the user, not such a bold name without much meaning to behold.


    That sure was a constructive post there buddy.
    02.11.2012 - 19:41
    The new name sucks. It's generic and makes the game sound really boring. The old name wasn't fantastic by any means, and I don't have any attachments to it. But it was at least better than the new one.
    Czech yourself before you wreck yourself.
    02.11.2012 - 20:35
    作者: Goblin, 02.11.2012 at 19:57

    Make a Afterwind trooper trophy - Joined Atwar when it was still named Afterwind

    I would support this
    The funny thing about this is by the time you realize that this is completely pointless, it's too late to stop reading.
    02.11.2012 - 20:53
    Hey admins,you gonna make a new subreddit?
    Magnets,how do they work?
    02.11.2012 - 22:36
    I was going to suggest "War of Ages" but then I googled it and realized the first hit was a crappy christian metalcore band too.

    Seriously, the naming point is well taken, although I'm not entirely sold on AtWar, I do support anything that helps mainstreamize the game and send it to the big leagues.

    (PS: I'll see about an AW trooper trophy)
    02.11.2012 - 23:01
    I like all new updates,new logo look great.I wish good luck and great sucess to admins.
    I dont know what mean have name afterwind for other players here but for me name Afterwind mean best strategy game.
    i stop play age of empires and rome total war after i found afterwind.Now i play only afterwind i dont play other games.

    Afterwind atwar

    this is little jokes=> always look on the bright side of life (btw Atwar is better name then dalmatiwind)
    03.11.2012 - 04:21
    作者: Goblin, 02.11.2012 at 19:57

    Make a Afterwind trooper trophy - Joined Atwar when it was still named Afterwind

    I want a medal!!!!!

    Hehe I like the logo more than the name ,but I will support this by any means to get AW to the top

    Gard, plz stfu.
    03.11.2012 - 07:02
    作者: Guest, 03.11.2012 at 04:21

    作者: Goblin, 02.11.2012 at 19:57

    Make a Afterwind trooper trophy - Joined Atwar when it was still named Afterwind

    I want a medal!!!!!

    Hehe I like the logo more than the name ,but I will support this by any means to get AW to the top

    Gard, plz stfu.


    But I want to retain my beta trophy.
    Youth-Oriented, Bydło-Approved
    03.11.2012 - 10:07
    AtWar? Even with the reasons why, it's still a stupid name. :P It's meant to be more descriptive? It's not! It's even more confusing than Afterwind! AtWar doesn't even make sense. :P What does it mean? AtWar, what a stupid name.... What the devil does the At mean? :P It's more like you chose this name for exactly the opposite reasons you chose it for. :P Now it'll be even harder to find and the title is even more confusing.
    03.11.2012 - 11:09
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: pupbenny, 03.11.2012 at 10:07

    What the devil does the At mean?

    (We are) at war.
    (Nations) at war.
    (Being) at war (with...)
    03.11.2012 - 11:13
    作者: Ivan, 03.11.2012 at 11:09

    作者: pupbenny, 03.11.2012 at 10:07

    What the devil does the At mean?

    (We are) at war.
    (Nations) at war.
    (Being) at war (with...)

    So the name should be "AtWar, AtPeace, & InAlliance"? I just really don't like this name apparently, though the more I say it, the more catchy it is. Still, it needs a more descriptive title in my opinion, but I'm not going to cause another shitstorm, so /GardOut
    03.11.2012 - 11:37
    作者: Ivan, 03.11.2012 at 11:09

    作者: pupbenny, 03.11.2012 at 10:07

    What the devil does the At mean?

    (We are) at war.
    (Nations) at war.
    (Being) at war (with...)

    This is a war game, but is not just a war game.
    Is a game where that have interaction with other persons, this game ends most of the times with an alliance.
    "Alliance" still being a cheap name, but describes better than "AtWar" this game.
    I dont understand why people says that Full Package is too expensive:

    "I... Feel a little dead inside"
    03.11.2012 - 11:38
    作者: Garde, 02.11.2012 at 15:10

    tl;dr, the name "Afterwind" retains more meaning to me as it re-defines a term nobody knew about, and gives us a direct relation, rather than a similar one. "Google = Search Engine, rather than high number. Halo = Game/Ringworld, rather than mystical item". Afterwind = Strategy game, rather than Nuclear updraft. "AtWar" doesn't have this in most regards, it bluntly puts forth what the game is, rather than letting the reader decide what it is. I do believe I overreacted at the name "AtWar", but if you get my point, you may understand why I truly believe "Afterwind" is a better title than "AtWar", at least make the name more original and a little open for the user, not such a bold name without much meaning to behold.

    Even your tl;dr version is too long. Here's a kind message from our friend Steven Seagal.

    作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

    I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
    03.11.2012 - 11:40
    作者: Ivan, 03.11.2012 at 11:09

    作者: pupbenny, 03.11.2012 at 10:07

    What the devil does the At mean?

    (We are) at war.
    (Nations) at war.
    (Being) at war (with...)

    Ah, that explains it. I found it very confusing. I think it sohuld be At War not AtWar because it looks like it stands for osmething or something.
    03.11.2012 - 11:40
    作者: notserral, 03.11.2012 at 11:38

    Importance and clarification cannot be summed up in two measly sentences.
    03.11.2012 - 11:43

    Importance and clarification cannot be summed up in two measly sentences.

    But you did. This:

    "tl;dr, the name "Afterwind" retains more meaning to me as it re-defines a term nobody knew about, and gives us a direct relation, rather than a similar one."

    Sums up what you wrote quite well. After that you're just repeating yourself.
    作者: Mahdi, 23.11.2013 at 20:30

    I don't consider the phrase "massive fag" to be an insult. Mods did.
    03.11.2012 - 12:15
     Ivan (管理员)
    作者: raetahcodeupon, 03.11.2012 at 11:37

    This is a war game, but is not just a war game.
    Is a game where that have interaction with other persons, this game ends most of the times with an alliance.
    "Alliance" still being a cheap name, but describes better than "AtWar" this game.

    You can also consider that once no one is at war anymore, the game stops
    03.11.2012 - 12:17
     Acquiesce (版主)
    since we seem to be discussing name changes I humbly cast my vote for "Dalmatiwind"
    The church is near, but the road is icy... the bar is far away, but I will walk carefully...
    03.11.2012 - 12:36
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